A pickle for your thoughts?

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Normally, Changbin was in a pretty good mood when he came home. When you laid your eyes upon him, he'd usually have a smile on his face. His eyes would sparkle the moment he spotted you. Not wasting any time, his lips would find yours. His arms would secure themselves around your waist and he'd happily pick you off your feet and spin you around.

Your giggles were like music to his ears. You were the best thing that had ever happened to him. It was rare to see him in a low mood. Today was, unfortunately, one of those days. He came home from the studio with a few grocery bags in his hands.

Not bothering to find you, he made his way into your kitchen. The two of you had been living in the dorm he shared with 3Racha and Hyunjin. On top of everything else that went wrong today, he had forgotten that today was grocery day. It was his turn to buy groceries and he had picked a bad time to go. The shelves had been picked over.

Since he started shopping a few minutes after five, people stopped in after work to pick up things. People stood in the middle of the isles and blocked them. Some people were pushy towards others. The whole thing had been so overwhelming. Not to mention, they had been out of a few different items.

After hearing the front door slam shut, you sat up in your bed. Something crashed onto the floor and shortly afterwards a slew of curse words filled the air. Tediously, you made your way out towards the kitchen and peeked your head around the corner.

Changbin's face had turned a shade of red. He had his eyes squeezed shut and three fingers pinched the bridge of his nose. Shattered glass scattered the floor near his feet. A puddle of light green juice slowly inched towards the living room.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Your voice caused him to glance up. He shook his head and glanced down at the mess. "I accidentally dropped and broke the jar of dill pickles."

"That's okay, I'll help you clean it up."

"You don't have to."

"It's okay, Binnie. I'll go get the mop and the broom. How about you continue putting the other stuff away?"

"But it's my mess and I-"

"Rough day?" You cut him off.

"You have no idea! It's been such a shitty day. I just want to go to bed. Today has been the worst day that I've had in a while."

"Let me go get the cleaning supplies and then we can talk about it."

You quickly hurried towards the supply cabinet to grab some things. Changbin bent down and gently scooped up the larger pieces of glass. He tossed them into the trash can, washed his hands, and started to place the remaining groceries away.

He pulled open the fridge to place a gallon of milk inside of it. When he turned around, you were kneeling down on the floor. The pickle chips had scattered everywhere when the jar broke. Guilt flooded through him. He should have been picking it up, not you.

"A pickle for your thoughts?" A soft smile appeared on your face as you lifted up the slime green sphere towards him.

He chuckled and grabbed it out of your hand. Without a second thought, he flung it into the trash can. "I was late getting into the studio this morning. It's been a rough day for everyone. Do you remember that song I sent you a few days ago because I wanted your feedback?"


"I accidentally deleted it and I don't have it anymore. We were supposed to work on finalizing that song today and I deleted it, so now I have nothing. We have to have it finished by the end of this week and it's gone. I have to completely restart it from scratch."

"Plus, I went to the grocery store and people were rude. They didn't have certain items that Hyunjin wanted. I haven't had anything to eat yet because I forgot to bring my lunch earlier. I was going to doordash something and then we all got distracted by working on some other stuff and then we had a meeting and I'm ready to pull my hair out."

"My poor little baby, you must be starving and exhausted."

"You have no idea."

You finished picking up the pickles and throwing them into the trash can. "Well, I'm sorry that you were late getting into the studio this morning. I don't think I can help you with that, but I can help you with your song."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"You send me every song to get my opinion. I know how clumsy 3Racha can be. Every song you send me, I download it and put it on a flashdrive. I can send it to you later."


You nodded and started to mop up the pickle juice. "I'll finish this and you can finish putting the groceries away. The two of us can go get some food and then we can go to a different store to find the remaining items. I'll send you your song when you get home and then we can head towards bed. Does that sound good?"

"God, I love you."

A smile lit up your face, "I love you too." 

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