Scene 60- Rose Quartz Butterfly

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I had forgotten how much fun shopping with either of my parents was. Especially Daddy. The thing is, my Daddy makes a lot of money because he works so hard to make his business successful. That means that my parents get to buy me a lot of nice things that other children don't get to have.

That's what they always tell me anyways. My momma also adds the fact that her runway fashion designing made a lot of money that we still use to this day too.

Whenever I shop with my mom she'll usually buy me anything I ask for. Unless it's something she doesn't like. My Daddy will get me almost anything though. Except "inappropriate" things. Bikinis and crop tops and pretty much all of the clothes I want.

So both of my parents have conditions when shopping. That's why it's best to shop with one or the other because if they're both there they just argue and embarrass me.

It was just Daddy today.

"How about this one princess?" He held up a silver necklace with tiny diamonds speckled throughout the chain.

"Eh, I don't think I like silver. I think I'd rather have gold." I said turning my attention back to the display in front of me.

He comes over and ruffles my hair, "Yeah you are your mothers daughter."

I looked up at him confused, "Why?"

"Because you have your mother's taste...Her expensive taste." And he laughed at his own joke.

I raised my eyebrows and started being sassy, "Well I don't see how that's a bad thing."

He laughed again, "Oh you will someday. For now, you get to enjoy it. I'll always let you enjoy the nice things baby girl."

I looked up at him smiling. And he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

Then I saw the perfect one. It was a dainty gold chain, but the pendant was what really stood out to me. It was a gorgeous baby pink stone in the shape of a butterfly. Around the edge was what looked like to be tiny sparkly diamonds. It was gorgeous.

"I want that one." I said pointing to the display case.

The jeweler chimes in, "Oh that's a very excellent choice young lady. That necklace has rose quartz which symbolizes emotional healing and compassion."

I smiled big in anticipation towards my dad.

"Well... whatever she wants I guess." He said with a little uncertainty.

I looked at him disappointed, "Do you not like it?"

He put his hands on my shoulders, "Oh no baby I love it. Let's get it."

I smile and hug him immediately. I felt him kiss me on the forehead again.

I whispered, "Thank you Daddy."

It was truly the most gorgeous thing I've probably ever owned.

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