Scene 18- Only One Little Girl

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Juliette is getting ready for bed in her room. She put on her bright pink and blue Lilly pulitzer nightgown and brushed her long silky hair.  She pulled back her fluffy white duvet covers and pink sheets to get into her bed. She grabs her remote from her white nightstand and turns on her tv to watch Dynasty on netflix. She likes how Fallon is the daughter of a rich man. Although Steven is nothing like her brothers.

Her father lightly knocks on her already cracked open door.

John- "Hi."

Juliette looks up and quickly pauses the inappropriate show, "Hi Daddy."

John comes and sits on the bed next to her and asks her what she's watching.

John, "What is this show?"

Juliette, "Oh it's just a show about a rich family."

John dismisses his caution and moves on.

John, "Juliette, you know that your mother and I love you. And your brothers love you too."

Juliette is confused, "Yes?"

John continues, "I've been giving you some time to adjust but It's getting past a point of being a phase. What's going on? Is something wrong?"

Juliette is still confused and is a little offended by her behavior being called a phase, "What?! What are you talking about?"

John, "Well you've been acting a little... not yourself."

Juliette says defensively, "I'm fine."

John, "Honey, if we've done something to hurt your feelings I want to know."

Juliette starts to comply, "It's just weird. It's like the biggest thing the boys tease me for is never getting punished, but you never punish them for teasing me."

John is a little taken back at her honesty and lightly laughs, "Well...honey, they're adults now. I can't really punish them."

Juliette isn't trying to fight. She's glad that her dad wants to know what's wrong instead of just yelling at her.

Juliette, "I guess that's true enough. I just feel like you never punished them for ganging up on me when they were teenagers."

John doesn't know what to say. He's surprised at how intelligent his daughter has become.

He stammers, "Honey, the-the world works in a way that isn't exactly... fair per say. That's kind of just how boys are. They tease. Trust me. I've raised four in a row and only one little girl. They just tend to make fun of people. I guess that's how they show their love for you."

Juliette replies under her breath sarcastically, "Well I sure don't feel loved."

John says, "I promise princess, things are going to get better. I've already talked to them about laying off."

Juliette is surprised, "Really?"

John, "Absolutely."

Juliette smiles when all is right with the world, "Well, okay then."

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