Scene 50- When it All Goes to Hell

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Later, Juliette, Gavin and Beau are in the kitchen eating a snack. JD gets home from the country club while they're eating.

"Where's Jackson?" says JD confused.

Beau shrugs and answers nonchalantly, "Hasn't been here all day."

The garage door started to go up and they all listened.

Gavin asks, "That's not Dad is it?"

Beau smacks the back of his head, "It's Saturday idiot."

JD laughs, "You know he does other things besides work."

Juliette was tempted to say, like throwing trays of glassware off the balcony? But she didn't. She wasn't going to explain what she saw and heard. Jackson probably would anyway. And she'd be left out again. She thought maybe it would be better if she didn't know what happened. She thought she probably wasn't old enough to know.

Jackson walks in the kitchen and all of his siblings stare at him waiting for him to say something. Juliette notices how he looks distressed. She looks at her other brothers to see if they also noticed but they were dumb as ever.

Jackson said after silence, "Can we all just jump in the pool?"

He seemed defeated, yet nostalgic. His siblings happily agreed. Juliette was excited, she was never included in the boys' fun. She knew that Jackson must be feeling badly.

Juliette and her brothers are seen playing in the pool. There was pouring rain and dark skies above them. Their favorite thing to do was swim in the rain. They have been playing chicken with different teams for about ten minutes now. The teams for this round are Juliette and Gavin against JD and Beau. Juliette gets on top of Gavin's shoulders and he starts to stand up. She starts to lean a direction and she kicks her legs against Gavin's chest in order to stay balanced, but she ended up falling off of him backwards. She gets water up her nose and comes up out of the water coughing.

Gavin, "Are you okay?"

Juliette sniffles and looks at her brothers. They weren't making fun of her. She smiled and said,

"Yeah I'm fine. Let me try again."

Gavin goes under again and this time Juliette makes sure to get on his shoulders securely.

They start to play the game and Gavin is really good at dodging and holding onto Juliette but ultimately JD was a lot stronger than Juliette and she tips backwards once again. All of the boys cheer and shout because JD won. After Juliette comes up from the water Gavin offers his hand out and Juliette grabs it confused.

Gavin laughs, "What are you doing? I was just going to high five you."

Juliette feels a little embarrassed. She laughs and exclaims,

"Oh. sorry!"

And she high fives him.

Just then, a large strike of lightning was seen in the near distance and a loud crash of thunder shook the ground beneath them. She flinched and jumped into Gavin. He wrapped his arms around her.

Juliette was a little frightened but didn't want to stop. She says timidly,
"Should we go inside?"

Beau says, "Nah. It's fine."

They continue to swim and play childish games they made up while a thunderstorm raged on. It had started to hail slightly and they tried to catch them in their mouths. None of the boys had their phones outside since it had been raining when they got in the pool. They didn't see the texts from their parents to come inside and that there was a tornado watch.

Around 10 minutes later a tornado warning siren started to faintly blare. The Warrens' house was out in the country on acres of their own land which meant the siren was far away from them.

Gavin, "Oh shit. Does that mean a tornado?"

Jackson, "It's really far away."

Juliette began to be really nervous, but did whatever her brothers did.

John ran out the back doors and to the pool and started yelling at his sons.

"What the hell are you doing out here?! There's a tornado. We need to get in the basement!"

The boys began to get out of the pool and grab towels from the waterproof storage. Juliette stood in the middle of the pool too scared to get out.

John noticed as he stopped yelling at the boys for not answering their phones. He went to the side of the pool and started to yell for her,

"Juliette! Come on! It's not safe out here!"

She stayed there frightened and started to cry. She always cries when she's scared and when people yell at her. John didn't want to waste anymore time. He kneels down at the edge of the pool and yells,

"Come over here and I'll get you!"

He reaches his arms out for her while Jackson hands him a towel for her. She slowly swims over to him and he quickly grabs her under the arms and pulls her out of the pool. She begins to walk away, but John stops her by wrapping her in a towel and picking her up. He ran with her swaddled in the towel all the way through the house, down the stairs, and into the basement panic room. Once Laura locked the vault door they started to catch their breath.

John switches his grip on Juliette and holds her with his left arm across her stomach. He unwraps her towel and exposes her backside to see her tiny low waisted pink swimsuit bottoms. Juliette is confused about being held in the air with one arm and is about to say "Daddy what are you doing?" But this all happens very quickly, so Juliette doesn't see what's coming next. He lifts his hand up and

*smack* *smack* *smack*

gives her three hard spanks on the fullest part of her bottom with his right hand. The spanks got gradually worse as they went, as if her dad was taking his anger out on her bum. It burned through her wet swimsuit bottoms and somehow made it hurt much more.

She lets out a scream, starts to cry, and looks up at him after. Everyone in the room gasps and stares at them. He puts her down and turns her body to face him and starts to yell at her loudly,

"You do not disobey me! You could have killed us all staying out in that pool!"

Juliette begins to sob as she still looks up at her Daddy. She had never been spanked before and she felt betrayed. She thought that her father didn't do that anymore.

He looks at her angrily in a moment of silence. He takes a breath in and rolls his eyes while he sighs out.

He talks in a low voice now, remembering his family is there. They know he's lost his temper.

"That was very dangerous- what you did. Don't you ever do that again."

Juliette nods through her sobs she manages to blubber out a sobbing, but more like screaming,

"Okay Daddy! I'm sorry!"

Her father brings her in for a hug and lifts her off the ground while her legs wrap around his waist. He holds her and sways her while she cries against his rain soaked shirt.

He looks up and whispers with pain in his voice, "I'm sorry baby."

After a couple seconds of swaying Juliette starts to whine and kick her legs. John knew that meant she wanted to be put down and so he did.

He starts to talk to her as he puts his hands on her shoulders lightly,

"JuJu I-"

Juliette ducks out of his grasp and runs away from him sobbing. She wanted Jackson, but she just went to her nearest brother. It was Beau.

Authors Note- I can't believe it's been 50 chapters/scenes! I know it's taken a long time to build to the climax of this story, but I hope you enjoy it. There's so much more I have planned, but I want to hear your suggestions too! Thank you for reading!

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