Scene 2- Marital Business

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Laura and John are seen in the Kitchen. It is a huge kitchen with a white marble island and navy cabinets with gold hardware. The cabinets have glass windows in each door. Laura has many blue and white grand millennial vases and bowls and three fluffy pink bouquets throughout the kitchen.

Laura is fixing some sort of charcuterie board and different wines at the island as john sits at one of the woven barstools at the island.

"Everything is going as planned" John says as he sits at the island.

"Now please don't get your hopes up. Jackson always finds a way to disappoint you." Laura warns.

John- "Not this time. Why would he refuse?"

Laura- "Because working as your COO requires being here and not at college. You know how important his studies are to him."

John- " No one needs graduate school for a business degree. He's just wasting my money. Besides, There's no doubt in my mind that he'll do right by me."

Laura- "You're always saying that yet he never does what you want him to"

John- "This is just too good of an opportunity. I don't know a single person who wouldn't take this job"

Laura- "Exactly. So why jackson? Has he even shown much interest the job? He hardly seems qualified"

John- "Of course he is. He's my son. He's learned from the best his whole life."

Laura sighs and picks up the board of cheeses "I don't know John, it just seems a little strange to me. you're sure you're doing this for the right reasons?"

John- "Honey, you've got nothing to worry about. And neither do i"

Laura rolls her eyes slightly as she walks out the kitchen and towards the formal living room.

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