Scene 17- Your Real Fathers

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Jackson then situated Juliette on the end of his knees with one of her legs straddling his legs in the middle. She felt like a baby and she didn't like it. Jackson moved his hands from under her arms to each of her thighs.

Jackson starts very calmly, "What in the world were you thinking?"

Juliette rolls her eyes as her second scolding of the night starts to unfold.

Jackson gets pissed, "Are you really rolling your eyes at me right now?"

Beau flicks the back of Juliette's head as he half listens to the lecture and his phone.

Juliette says, "Ow!" and her hand goes to the back of her head to rub the pain.

Beau scolds her, half joking and pointing, "Bad girl!"

Juliette sticks her tongue out at him and flips him off with both hands.

Jackson grabs both of Juliette's hands and puts them down on his legs. Jackson has returned to a calm state.

He says to her, "You don't get to do that when you're in trouble."

Juliette yells, "I didn't even do anything! It doesn't make any sense! Besides I don't have to listen to this, you're not my Daddy!"

Jackson and Beau start laughing and she gets very frustrated.

Jackson continues, "Ok. Fine. I was going to keep this between us, but yeah let's go tell your Daddy that you went into the party that we all know you weren't allowed to go into."

Juliette interjects, "No, no, please Jackson don't!"

Jackson smiles, "mhm that's what I thought."

He begins his lecture after silence, "Juliette Marie, do you know why that was so unsafe?"

Juliette decided to be sassy and smart mouthed, "I know that I don't like when you call me by my middle name."

Jackson sighs out of frustration. He continues, "Don't be smart with me. I can still go and turn you into Dad..."

She mutters an apology and he continues,

"Juliette, that was so dangerous. You know that you weren't allowed to go party with the high schoolers. We all heard that in the kitchen before the party. And if that wasn't enough you did something very stupid and dangerous."

Juliette whines back, "How could I have known that someone would put something in there? One of JD's friends? No way."

Jackson smiles, "We don't know honey. It could be anyone, it happens all the time."

Juliette whines again, "Well why didn't you tell me?"

Beau starts, "We didn't need to tell you because you shouldn't have been in that party in the first place."

Jackson continues as he pats the outside of Juliette's thighs, "We're just trying to protect you baby girl."

Beau says very nicely, "We'll teach you all of those things when you're ready."

Juliette liked how Beau didn't say older, but he said ready. He rarely treated Juliette like a baby and she really loved him for it.

Jackson concluded, "So no more disobeying when it's about your safety. Understood?"

Juliette says, "Yes sir. I'm sorry Jackson. I'm sorry Beau."

They smiled and told her it was ok.

Juliette says, "I don't want to sit like this anymore."

Jackson smiles and laughs, "Aww. Don't you remember when you would sit like this and we'd play horse?"

Juliette smiles and rolls her eyes, "Yessss...but I'm too old for that now"

Jackson asks shocked, "Too old?!"

Juliette smiles proudly, "Yes Jackson. I don't need to be entertained like some 2 year old does."

Jackson replied, "I liked it better when you were two. Not as smart mouthed."

Jackson grabs her from underneath her arms and situated her on his lap with both legs facing Beau now.

"That better?"

Juliette snuggles into Jackson's chest, "Yes. Less baby-like."

Jackson tickles her tummy, "But I want you to be my little baby!"

Juliette starts to scream and laugh and kick her legs.

"Jackson stop! Please stop!"

Jackson continues, "Say it! Say you're still my baby sister!"

Juliette yells while still screaming, "I will not!"

Jackson lays her back and starts to tickle her thighs and all the way up to her chin.

Juliette started to get hot and very uncomfortable. But she did not want to admit that she was a baby. Jackson and Beau would never let her live it down.

Just then Beau got up and started to tickle her too. He tickled her on her lower stomach for a couple seconds. That's always where Beau tickles her.

Juliette started to get a sensation in her body. She started to lose control.

Juliette yells loudly and forcefully, "STOP!"

Both Jackson and Beau stopped slightly shocked and looked at her laying down over Jackson looking miserable.

Jackson asked, "So are you going to say it?"

Juliette mustered out of breath, "Say what?"

Beau continues, "That you're a little baby?"

Juliette whines, "No! I won't!"

Jackson and Beau looked at each other for a second and made an exchange through their eyes. They always had some sort of brother telepathy.

They start to tickle her again but even faster and harder. Juliette couldn't keep up. She tried to swat their hands away but they were stronger than her by great lengths.

She couldn't breathe anymore so she yelled, "Fine! Fine! I'm still your baby sister!"

And they stopped and looked at her smiling. Beau says,

"That wasn't so hard was it?"

She rolls her eyes and says, "Whatever."

Jackson kisses her forehead and sits her up on his lap. She can finally snuggle into his chest and she falls asleep.

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