Scene 1- Opening Interview

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The Warren family lives in an abundant mansion in middle of nowhere Arkansas. We see in the grand foyer, Juliette Warren, getting primped and touched up by her mother and father, John and Laura. Juliette is sitting on a plastic folding stool on an interview set. Behind the parents backs (in front of Juliette) is dozens of cameras, lights, and crew. They're here to interview Juliette and the family as her brothers are coming home from college and her other brother just graduated highschool. The Warrens get requests for press frequently because of their financial and societal status in Arkansas.

Laura grabs a large bow and places it in Juliette's hair, "Couldn't forget the Juliette trademark"

John and her both laughed and Juliette forces a smile. Knowing something is up,

John consoles, "Don't be nervous."

Juliette, "What if i say something wrong?"

Laura reassures her she'll do just fine as long as she keeps the family's good image.

They finish touching her up and John plants a kiss on Juliette's head

John says sweetly, "Go get em princess."

A Crew member yells, "Alright, we're
ready to roll!"

John motions with his hands behind the cameras to smile. Juliette puts a soft smile on her face.

John whisper-shouts, "with teeth!"

She smiles with her teeth and the Crew member gestures they're rolling. In a defiant but also practical act, once Juliette knows her father can't interfere anymore her smile returns to a relaxed state.

The Interviewer starts, "Joining us today for an exclusive interview, is twelve year old Juliette Warren daughter to John and Laura of the Warren empire. Juliette it's good to have you."

Juliette- "Thank you so much. I'm grateful for the opportunity."

The Interviewer says, "Now for the people who don't know, go ahead and tell them what your sibling situation is"

Juliette says proudly, "I have 4 older brothers. Jackson is 22, Beau is 21, Gavin is 20, and JD is 18"

The interviewer laughs, "4. Wow. I can't imagine. Are they mean to you?"

Juliette chuckles, "Well they're kind of mean to me, but for the most part, not usually. They're a lot older than me so they're usually very... protective."

The Interviewer smiles and says, "Oh well that's sweet."

Juliette says getting more comfortable, "It is. Most of the time"

The Interviewer replies, "I bet it can get hard being the youngest of 5."

Juliette says, "Oh yeah."
She slightly rolls her eyes.
"But it does have its perks"

The Interviewer laughs again, "I'm sure they mean well of course."

Juliette smiles and says, "Yeah I'll let 'em have it."

The interviewer laughs again at Juliette's dry and sassy personality.

The Interviewer asks, "So you're going to be all alone in this big house with no brothers?"

Juliette replies, "Well not this summer. They're all coming back"

The Interviewer says, "You must be excited!"

Juliette replies, "I'm very excited. I haven't lived with them in a year and Jackson in 2 years."

The Interviewer notices how much time has passed and wraps the questions up.

The Interviewer says, "That's gotta be tough, but I'm thrilled for your reunion. Well thank you for joining us."

Juliette replies and smiles, "Thank you for having me."

Another Crewman yells, "That's a wrap!"

The Warren parents shake the interviewer and producers hand and thank them. Juliette also goes up and thanks each of them.

The Interviewer says, "How polite. You've raised a fine little girl here. You should be very proud."

John says sarcastically, "Oh we'll never forget it"

He says as he puts his hands on Juliette's shoulders as her back faces her father.

As soon as the crew leaves John grabs underneath her arms and swings her up in the air. With his arms straight up looking right up at her,

He shakes her and says "That was amazing!" in a silly dad voice.

She starts to giggle and he puts her on his hip to hold her. He kisses her cheek and looks at her proud.

"She asked me about family life." Juliette says dissatisfied.

"Hey and you still did great!" Laura says over his shoulder.

Juliette smiles and John says "What do you say...?"

Juliette exclaims, "thank you!" and her mom kisses her cheek.

Laura says, "I'm going to fix something for when the boys come home." and walks out of the foyer.

We're left with John holding charlotte and charlotte says

"What time are they coming home?"

John replies, "Jackson and Beau should be here in about an hour, and Gavin should be here in 2 maybe 3"

Juliette tilts her head back "Ugh that's so long"

John chuckles lightly, "You'll be ok" as she puts her down back on the ground.

Juliette sighs, "if only i had a phone to entertain myself in isolation..."

John rolls his eyes and switches to a different tone, "You don't have a phone because you don't need one and you're far too young."

Juliette frowns at him, "I thought I was getting one on my birthday!"

John replies definitively, "Well, I certainly didn't say that"

Juliette gets quiet, "Yeah, Mommy said she might"

John looks at her and shakes his head, "Well she was wrong."

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