Scene 11- Shoes

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Juliette is seen sitting cross cross in the huge black SUV. She loves her parents escalade XL because it had a movie screen, huge seats, and air conditioning for hot Arkansas summers. She loved the idea of it fitting all of her children one day.

The rest of the family comes out of the front door to the circle driveway in front of the house. Jackson opens the door on the side that Juliette is on and mouths the words, "Good luck". Laura comes up behind him.

Laura yells, "Juliette Marie! What part of get your shoes on did you not understand??"

Juliette whines in defense "I did put shoes on!"

The boys start to climb into the car over her and her mothers argument.

Laura continues to yell, "Well then why do I have them in my hand?!"

Juliette yells back, "I didn't want to wear those! Twelve year olds don't wear those anymore!"

John now in the drivers seat turns back and puts his hand on her knee

"Sweetheart, don't raise your voice at your momma."

Juliette instantly saddens and kicks her seat, "But it's not fair! I'm old enough to pick my own shoes"

Gavin chimes in from the back "Nothing is ever fair to you."

Laura didn't want to yell at her daughter anymore, "Just please put these shoes on. They go with your outfit better."

Juliette reluctantly grabs them and Laura shuts the car door. She gets into the front passenger seat and sighs at John.

They drive to the graduation and it was a lovely ceremony with no complications.

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