Scene 52- I thought we were done

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Laura's POV

*smack* *smack* *smack*

I flinched and I looked away. I know I should have helped her, but I couldn't.

I guess I could see it coming. I can't believe he did this without telling or asking me first. It looked like he hit her way harder than he's ever hit the boys. I thought we were done doing this to our children.

I heard her scream and her cries. My poor girl didn't even see it coming. I look at John to tell him to calm down, but he doesn't even look at me.

He shouted so loud in her face. He almost screamed at her. I was horrified for my little girl. I accidentally glanced at my boys and they all stared at me. As if I could stop him from discipline? Please.

He looks at her angrily in a moment of silence. He takes a breath in and rolls his eyes while he sighs out.

He talks in a low voice now, remembering that we're all here watching. We all know that he's lost it.

He tried to hug her after lecturing her more, but she whined about it almost instantly. Juliette is really upset. She always lets John comfort her after he yells. She wouldn't even let him talk to her.

Jesus must have answered my prayers because the tornado had passed and I could get him away from Juliette. I followed him out of the panic room for a couple moments and then I said to him,

"We need to talk about this. Where do you get off spanking our daughter?"

John stops in his tracks and turns around to look at me. Okay, I could have been a little bit nicer about what I said. He looked around to see if our children were there, which was nice of him to protect my privacy. He is always so nice to me. I need to be a better wife.

"Excuse me?" He said angrily.

I took a breath, "I'm sorry. Let's just please talk about it."

He gave me a blank expression and kissed me.

"Okay, but privately."

And he led the way to the bedroom.

A Poignant Fallacy Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon