Scene 25- Post Ceremony

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Juliette had just been dismissed for the last time. The graduation had just concluded and the children were told to find their families safely. Juliette walks through the bright green grass and weaves through the wooden white chairs that lined the courtyard. She looked for around five minutes and still could not find her family.

As she made her way through crowds of tall adults in pastel colored vineyard vines she heard Jackson yell to her,

"Juliette! Juliette Marie!"

Ugh why did he call me by my middle name? He isn't my dad- shoot! I need to change my attitude. That sucks. I really wanted to tell him off.

She finds his voice in the crowd and sees her family. She has a big grin on her face. And they all start to cheer and clap as she walks over to them.

She runs to Jackson and he spins her around in a hug. Once he set her down and let go of her, she hugged him again. Confused, he accepted the hug. And she told him chirping,

"Thank you Jackson!"

She began to hug all of her brothers and thanked them. JD laughed when she hugged her he sarcastically whispered,

"Very discreet Ju."

She laughed back. Then she hugged her mom.

"Thank you!"

She laughed and was surprised. They all knew that she only hugged and thanked her daddy.

"Well, you're welcome sweetheart."

Juliette didn't care that they were shocked though. She looked at JD for a nonverbal approval and he gave it to her.

She then went to her dad for her hug and John beat her to the punch by picking her up with her legs wrapped around his hips. He kissed her multiple times on the cheek and she said her thanks.

"Ok now let me down."

John looks at her sternly and reminds her,

He says, "Please?"

She added on, "Let me down please!"

He put her down on the ground. Jackson turned to his whole family,

"I didn't realize graduating made you instantly a different person."

On the outside Juliette laughed. On the inside she was hurt. But not hurt for her, hurt for her family. Had she really been that awful to her brothers and mom?

The boys laughed at Jackson's joke too. All was right with the world. Juliette made a silent vow to be better with her family.

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