Scene 41- Dinner Begins

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Scarlett and Jackson walk into the fancy dark lit restaurant and ask where the Warren party is. The hostess takes them to a round table in the back dining room.

The family was standing around and talking waiting for Jackson and Scarlett so they could figure out who's sitting where.

Juliette is jumping up and down trying to get Gavin and Beau's attention. Gavin finally turns toward her and acknowledges her existence. They were annoyed by her interrupting the conversation so they made sure she paid for it.

He patronizes Juliette, "Awww,"

Juliette was confused and frowned at him. He grabs her right arm and pulls her close to his body. Then he reaches over and behind her to lift up her very short smock dress and reveals her pink ruffle bloomers with a white bow to anyone who could see her. Although the smock dress was so small that it was almost like a shirt. He just lifted it up to embarrass her.

"There's ruffles on your butt again."

Beau looks at her butt too and mocks the outfit that they know she hates,

"Aw, she looks so adorable. I hope she's not fussy, because this is the cutest two year old I've ever seen!"

He lets go of her smock but not her arm as Beau and Gavin look for a reaction. She was about to smack his arm and stomp on their feet when she saw Jackson walk in.

She yanked her arm out of Gavin's grip and ran to him. He was just as excited to see her because he caught her and spinned her around in a circle before holding her with her legs wrapped around him.

He whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry about revealing your swimsuit to Mom."

Juliette whispers back, "It's okay."

Jackson smiles at her and kisses her cheek.

Scarlett peers over his shoulder and says,

"Hi Juliette."

Juliette buries her face into Jackson's chest. And doesn't respond.

Jackson walks over into a corner and motions for Scarlett to come too. He was going to make sure that Juliette was nice to Scarlett.

"Juliette, look at me."

Juliette doesn't say anything. She turns her head away from both of them and rests her head on his chest.

Jackson says fed up, "Juliette Marie, don't make me ask again."

He puts her down on the ground after no response and holds her by her shoulders.
Scarlett asks if she should leave, but Jackson wants her to stay.

Juliette looks up to Jackson's eyes and he starts to lecture her. Very quietly, to keep her dignity.

"Juliette, I know Mom dresses you like a two year old and you don't have a choice in that matter, but that doesn't mean you should act like a two year old. You're twelve. Act like it. Scarlett is being very nice and patient with you and you're being a brat."

Juliette starts to break down into tears, she couldn't take the mockery anymore. She looks for his comfort but he doesn't give it. She cries into his chest. Jackson is confused but rolls his eyes at her dramatic reaction. He begins to wrap his arms around her and rub her back.

"Why are you crying honey?"

Scarlett says to him, "Probably because you were just really mean to her."

Juliette internally smiles. Maybe Scarlett wasn't that bad.

Juliette says exasperated and still tears running down her face, "Daddy put me in this! He said wearing this to dinner is my punishment because it's for a toddler."

Jackson agreed that Scarlett should give them some privacy and Jackson took her into a coat room.

Jackson reaches behind her and pulls her bloomers off of her body to see what size they were. She hated that feeling. Knowing he could see her underwear underneath. She was so embarrassed by him checking her shorts.

"How can you possibly fit in 5T? I know you're small, but that's just not even possible."

Juliette says through cries, "Mommy had them altered as soon as I grew out of them so I could keep wearing them. No place in the south makes smocks and bloomers for any girl over 4, but she stopped altering them when I was 8 or 9 maybe."

Jackson looks at her and pity's her. He goes to his coat check spot and grabs a shopping bag.

"Scarlett and I got this for you earlier. Maybe it'll cheer you up."

He pulls out a dress from American Eagle. Juliette loves that store and begs her mom to shop there. She loved the dress and immediately hugged Jackson.

She says while bouncing, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

Jackson laughs and says, "Thank Scarlett, she's the one who picked it out for you. She said it would make your eyes pop."

Juliette smiles from ear to ear. Jackson asks,

"Are you sure you're not starting to like her?"

Juliette shrugs her shoulders and looks down. She quickly says,

"Can I please go put it on?"

Jackson takes the dress and puts it back in the bag,

"I'm not going to interfere with your punishment, JuJu. You barely get them anyways. I think it's best for you to see this one through."

Juliette whines, "But it's not fair! How is wearing this teaching me to not go behind their backs and wear a bikini?"

Jackson said back snippy, "Because you're embarrassed when you're wearing something inappropriate for your age. Just like a bikini is inappropriate for your age."

Juliette frowned, "You don't seriously think I'm too young to wear a bikini do you?"

Jackson looks at her knowingly.

She scoffs, "You're just like the rest of them."

Jackson looks guilty. Juliette gasped when she realized,

"You did it on purpose!"

Jackson laughs and is confused, "Did what?"

Juliette is almost yelling now, "You took my towel off on purpose! You knew that Mommy and Daddy would get mad and I would be in trouble because you don't want me to wear it either!"

Jackson says laughing, "Well I didn't think they'd put you in a baby outfit."

Juliette smacks his arm. Jackson calmly grabs both of her wrists and holds her tightly. He says intensely,

"JuJu I know you're embarrassed and what I did was mean, but you can't hit me. No, I don't think you should be wearing bikinis. Now can we please go out to the table and have a nice dinner?"

Juliette scowls at him, "Fine."

Jackson kneeled down and hugged her,
"Don't be mad at me JuJu. I love you."

She says reluctantly, "I love you too."

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