Chapter 27 - The End?

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Nanon's POV

"One... Secret... that's going to add to the pile of your grudge for me..." Uncle Foei smirked. "...or maybe more. Something so big... Something so dark... Something that... you won't be able to accept..." he started giggling again. "What secret? I already know you resurrected my son." Dad won't fall for his tricks. "Huh? That old news? No.. No... No. No. No. This is so much more interesting..." he paused for a dramatic reveal. "Honestly, I don't want to reveal the secret, but since the author told me this is going to be the last chapter, it seems like a right thing to do." He got side tracked. "Do you remember the time you asked me to pack up a drug for you?" He giggled. Dad frowned. "Which time?" "The one you brought home. The one Nanon accidently drank." Still giggling. "Well... That was a placebo... He accidently drank the fake drug." he laughed maniacally. Dad (and all of us) were so shocked. Dad turned pale. "That... no way... No... that's not possible. No.. Not true.. how... but he convulsed after he drank the drug..." dad tried to make sense of it. "Of... Of course he convulsed... The... The placebo still has that effect. Don't you remember?" He tried to stop laughing. Dad dropped to the ground. "Wait, so Nanon is a natural?" Ohm asked. "Yes, he is. He really is. I'm not lying. He is an anomaly right from the start." He made a hand gesture. "How... How dare you..." dad is shaking with rage. "Oh, are you mad? Well, I might as well tell you the other secret. The next day, you gave the drugs to Archen. I did something bad. Something really really bad..." he tried to breath out of his laughter. "I gave him the double dose. Of course he's going to overdose and died." He confessed. "...So sad." He mocked dad. Dad looked at him with so much hatred. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD...!!!" He got up and started attacking uncle Foei. 

The rest of us fought the other three. P'Namtan and p'Bright fought Lee, while Ohm and I fought Mark. Fourth and Drake fought Mond. Mix took cover, got the drug ready, and when he got the chance, he's going to shoot the sins.

I attacked Mark, but he dodged it. He tried to punch me, but Ohm blocked it and countered his punch. I kicked him and he fell. He got up immediately. "IT'S YOU..." he got mad. "IT'S ALWAYS YOU..." He attacked me. Ohm tried to protect me, but he got punched instead. He picked Ohm up, and threw him afar. Shit. His power is scary. He jumped towards me and punched me. I blocked him, but he's so strong, I got on my knees. He punched me again. I dropped to the floor. He kept punching me, and I blocked it with my arms. "DAD ALWAYS COMPARED ME TO YOU. THE NATURAL HEALER. AND I AM NOTHING BUT A DAMAGED GOODS." He kicked me. I went flying. I dropped to the ground. He walked towards me. I tried to get up. Suddenly, Ohm kicked him. He blocked the kick easily, and he countered the kick, sending Ohm flying again. Fuck, just how strong is he? I got up and reached for my weapon. I tried attacking him to no avail. He blocked my attack, grabbed my baseball bat, and squeezed it like a fresh juice. Fuck. This is bad. I jumped backward. 

Mr.A's POV

Mad. I'm so mad. He made me killed my son. Fucking Bastard. "Yes, bro. Mad at me. Hate me." Foei laughed. I punched him on his face. He didn't budge. "That all you got?" He countered my punch. "Your fist is weak, just like you." I insulted him back. We started punching each other. I won't forgive him. At one moment, I grabbed his hair and tossed him into the ground. 

Bright's POV

I got ready to attack Lee. I nodded to Namtan. She nodded back. We ran towards him. Lee was so calm. He dodged our attack. Left, and right. He's strong. But we are strong too. I trapped him with water vortex. He got out of it. Or at least he tried. I got stronger since the last time we met, that's for sure. I trained everyday with Namtan. I don't want to lose again. He got out of my vortex, only to get trapped by Namtan's fire. It's a win for us, hopefully. We just have to keep our distance from him. Suddenly, he got out of the vortex, and started attacking us. He casted some thunder shock around us. I dodged it. Turns out, he casted some more lightning from behind me. I got strucked by lightning, and immediately fell to the ground. Fuck, it hurts so bad. He suddenly charged towards Namtan. She tried to attack him with her fire, but he easily countered it with his water. A very strong one. She got engaged in a close range battle with him. Namtan is strong, but he's definitely stronger. I tried getting up, but my body hurts so bad from the lightning. I needed to help her. Namtan is starting to lose the fight. He kicked her, sending her flying. She crashed to the wall. Lee calmly approached her, no doubt he's going to take her power. God, I need to do something...

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