Chapter 17 - Grey Parade

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Ohm's POV

We were at the club. It was Saturday evening, and p'Namtan texted me and Nanon if we wanted to join her clubbing. We said yes. It was a huge mistake. So, there we were, sitting at the club, with p'Namtan who looked so gloom. Her cheek was resting on the bar table, and she looked at her drink like it could solve all her problem. It's her fifth drink for the night, and her problem is still there, back at the blue house. "Cheer up, would you?" It was p'Janhae, our beauty queen. "Nope. I just want to mop." She won't budge an inch. "Come on phi, let's dance." Nanon tried to cheer her up. "Why does it have to be so complicated?" She sighed so loud. "Well, umm..." I know why she acted like this. So does Nanon. I'm not sure if p'Janhae knows about it or not. "Why does he have to be so addicting?" She played with the edge of her glass. "Come on, let's get him out of your mind. Drink more, dance more. Hook up with another red, the hotter one." P'Janhae tried to move her. So she knew about the certain ocean blue eyed guy. "He's so tall and handsome as hell..." she slurred. "Do you guys know, I broke our agreement. I broke it. Bad. I already snuck out to his house three times this week." She slurred, waving two fingers in front of me. "*gasp* Only three? What about the other four?" I teased her. "The other four? The other four, you asked? He... He snuck into my house." Okay, that was not the answer I was hoping for. "Oh my God, we are Romeo and Juliet of the academy. Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone, I keep waiting for you but you never come." She started singing Love Story (Taylor's Version). "You know what, this is partly your fault." P'Namtan suddenly got up and rubbed Nanon's cheeks. Oh she's drunk. "Me? How?" Nanon tried to shoo her hand away. "Because of you. And his stupid heart break. And the stupid bonfire. Fuck. I hate stupid bonfire. They're stupid. Let me tell you. Do you know what's stupid?" She pointed at me. "Umm, bonfire?" I played along. "NO. Bonfire is not stupid. He is. Him. He's stupid. So fucking stupid. How can he... GOD... he's so stupid. I'm stupid. This whole situation is....." she pointed at Nanon. "....stupid?" He answered. "NO.. This whole situation is stupid." She's drunk allright. "PHI, ONE MORE GLASS OF BEER. YOUR STRONGEST BEER. STRONGER THAN OHM HERE. BECAUSE HE IS STUPID. HAHAHAHA..." she laughed so loud. What's funny? "You know..." she turned to me. "I think about jumping off a very tall something, just to see him come running, and say the one thing I've been wanting, but no..." she suddenly got mellow again. "P'Namtan you're drunk. Let's just go home so you can sober up." Nanon pulled her, but she refused. "Come on, let's dance. DJ, PLAY YOU BELONG WITH ME (Taylor's Version). CAN'T YOU SEEEEE, YOU BELONG WITH MEEEEE...." She screamed (well, I refused to call what she's doing as singing). "Okay, that's it. Let's go back to our houses." I carried her. "...If I'm gonna get drunk... might as well be drunk in love." She slurred. We searched for p'Janhae, who told us she was going to the bathroom but didn't come back for a long time. "Guys, you can go home first. I met a very handsome guy over there. Don't wait up." P'Janhae told us. We nodded, and she disappeared into the crowd. 

We got into the car and I drove back to the academy. I put her in the back seat. "I'm drunk in the back of the car... drunk on something stronger than the drink in a bar." She slurred. I dropped her off at the red house. Luckily, she sobered up before entering the house. "Ohm, Nanon, thank you for today. Please just keep this between us. Bet. Ween. Us. You understand? Night, guys." She got off the car and walked into her house. She almost tripped several times. We got back to the grey house, and I decided to spend the night, because tomorrow is Sunday and there is no morning routine on Sunday. 

It was Sunday afternoon. I enjoyed my afternoon with Nanon. We went to the cinema to watch a new movie, and Fourth decided to tag along. "Guys, let's go to the arcade." He suddenly said after the movie ended. I was about to say something, but he already dragged Nanon with him. I followed them. I haven't been to the arcade in a very long time. I remember my dad took me once in a while when I was a kid. I looked at Fourth and Nanon, and how they enjoyed playing these games, so I decided to have fun too. "Fourth, come on, let me beat you up at hoops." I challenged him. "Hoo phi, I'm so good at hoops, you're so going down." He said with a full confidence. We started playing, and I beat him up by 12 points. "Haha, you said you are good, but you ended up losing." I teased him. "P'Non, p'Ohm teased me. Please do my revenge." He told his brother. "Don't worry Fourth, I'll win for us." Nanon challenged me to play hoops again. And I defeated him by 2 points. "What can I say, I'm so very good at sport." I winked at him. Nanon pouted. "You must be cheated. Come on, reveal your secret." He tickled me. I laughed and tried to dodge him. I hugged him and tickled him back. He laughed so hard. "I surrender. I surrender." He gave up. I kissed his cheek. "Ugh, you guys are so sickening. Thanks for reminding me that I'm single." Fourth made a disgusted face. "Haha, no dating for you until you graduate." Nanon teased him. "That is so unfair. I'll find a boyfriend, and you're going to walk in on me making out with him. Then you'll finally know how I feel." Fourth looked so proud. Nanon shuddered. "Wait, you want your brother to walk in on you making out? That is just so wrong." I shuddered too. "Yeah, I felt that way too after I said that out loud." He laughed. "Come on, enough about that. Let's play something else. I wanna play claw machine." Nanon dragged me to one. He swiped his card, and started playing. Half hour later, he won, like 30 stuffed animals. I tried playing several times, but I only got one. Bummer. He played and got that much. "Yeah, p'Non is so good at claw machine." Fourth praised his brother. The staff helped us packed the dolls. He doesn't look happy, though. We decided to have dinner at the mall, and went back to the houses.

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