Chapter 06 - Catching Butterflies

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Nanon's POV

"Let's open page 357..." mr.Arm ordered. We were in class, getting ready for the final exams in weeks. The pressure is totally on, especially for the leaders and their right hand man. We need to maintain our grades. You don't want to become a leader when you get bad grades. We need to at least get into the Top 10 in the class. Not so easy, especially when there's Pink in your class. I listened to mr.Arm's lecture. The bell rang, so it's time to go get some lunch. "Class, wait for a minute. I still have some announcement to make." Mr.Arm stopped us. We got back to our seats. "Class, this is your final assignment before finals. A very easy task, actually. You just have to catch ten different types of butterflies. From the most common ones, to the rarest ones. You can look them all up in your tablet. But, it's not going to be that simple. Next week, you're going to present your project, and you have to bring alive butterflies. So, not only you have to catch them, but you also need to keep them alive." He explained. Okay, so the project is definitely not going to be that simple. One, we need to find the butterflies, which is not that much, I guess. Two, since butterflies are quite rare in this area, we need to compete with the others too. "And, to make it easier for you guys, just like last time, you're going to do it in pairs. And just like last time, I'm going to let you choose your partners. So, you can either get a new partner or stay with your old one." I looked at Ohm, and he looked at me. I know for sure that I wanna partnered up with him again. "Okay. Now, let's talk about the scoring system. You're going to get scored by the type of butterflies you're catching. The rarer you catch, the higher your score is going to be. Of course that's not all. Since this is a competition, there's going to be a prize for the winner. And a punishment for the one who came in the last place. I'm going to tell you all about it next week before we start the presentation. Remember, you have to catch ten different types of butterflies." He winked and left the classroom.

Ohm approached me. "Nanon, do you want to partnered up with me again?" He asked me. "Of course. I would love to." I smiled. "Great. Let's discuss this over lunch." We bought some lunch and eat at the school park. "Hmm, we need to catch 10 butterflies without hurting them, which is very hard to do since they're delicate." I frowned. "We could use a magical net to catch them. I'll borrow one from p'Win." Ohm typed on his phone. "There, I already texted him, and he said yes." "That's great. Let's swing by his house later." I thought for a second. "I think the green house is the perfect place if we want to find some butterflies. I mean, they have a lot of flowers there, so there must be a lot of butterflies in their area." I explained. "Hmm.. Maybe we could ask p'Earth for some guidance on how to catch one." He told me. "Okay, let me text him. I'm sure he's willing to help us." I started typing on my phone. P'Earth replied minute later, saying yes to our request. We high fived. We really got it easy. 

"You know, we could do it like this." Ohm told me his plan. I dropped my jaw. I know he's very competitive, but that one is pure evil. So basically, his plan involved catching 10 butterflies, then catch some more. In the end, we kept the rarest ones, and killed the rest. "Don't you feel sorry for the others? What about your friends?" I'm in disbelieved. "What about them? This is a competition, and that plan could higher our chance to win." Well, he's not wrong. "Okay, fine. Just try to catch 10 butterflies first, and then we could do your strategy. Let's meet again after school. We could start practicing today." We went back to class. 

Ohm's POV

The class ended, and we went to the sky blue house to borrow the net. After that, we went to the green house. Nanon just entered the house like he's used to it. We went straight to the garden. I saw p'Earth taking care of the plants. He's shirtless, with the sunshine hitting his body, making him look like he's glowing. He looked like a slow motion video. I have to admit though, his abs is amazing. Well, not as amazing as mine, but still... "P'Earth, hi." Nanon greeted him. P'Earth greeted him back. More like, hugging him and ruffled his hair. I took a long deep breath. P'Earth is his cousin. P'Earth is his cousin. Don't get jealous and killed him. I took another deep breath. I could do this. "Good evening p'Earth." I tried to be polite. He nodded. "Good evening Ohm." He took his t-shirt and wore it to cover his body. I should've took a shirtless photo of him and send it to Mix. "So, what's your assignment this time?" He asked. We explained everything to him. "Hmm, easy task. Now, I'm going to help you. When you catch the butterflies, you could put them in this cage. If you need to feed them, you could give them this flower. Here, I'll give you the plant, just put them in the cage like this and they'll start eating. That was the easy parts. Now, for the hard parts. Let's go to the garden to catch some butterflies." We went to the garden. "Now, the key here is to catch them alive. That's easy. Just try to do it slowly." I tried to catch one. Not as easy as it seems. Even with magic net, we could still managed to crush them. I ended up killing three butterflies in the process. "Come on, you just need to relax." Nanon tried to cheer me up. Easy for him to say. He already caught two alive. "Nanon, you're awesome." P'Earth complimented him. Ugh. I hate him. Eventhough I knew he's his cousin, I still hate him.

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