Chapter 18 - Gone Wrong

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Ohm's POV

It was a few weeks later. We were on our daily meeting. "Nanon, can you ask Janhae to come here?" P'Win asked. Nanon nodded. "One second." He typed on his phone. P'Janhae arrived minutes later. "Jan, I already found that Lee guy's whereabouts. But I think it's a little bit weird. I tried tracking him for weeks to no avail, and suddenly he just showed up on the radar." He frowned. "Oh, who cares. That's actually good. We can ambush him and ask him to give my power back." She looked hopeful. "Yeah, I don't think we can just ask him." I told her. "We can force him then." P'Namtan chimed in. "We can all go together, and force him. Attack him with all we have. I'm sure we can win against him." Nanon suggested. "Then we need a better plan. Don't just attack on rage." I gave my two cents. "Okay, let's ask mr.A tomorrow." We all nodded and went back to our houses.

I went back to my house, and to my surprise, one of the people I avoided the most (eventhough he's my member) knocked on my door. I opened the door, and there stood Mark. "Ohm, can I come in?" He asked. I nodded and let him in. Should I keep the door open just in case? Nah, I'm strong enough to fight back if he tried to do something crazy. "Ohm, I know about your plan or what you called mission. Your p'Janhae mission." He started. I was taken aback. "How do you know? Only the leaders were supposed to know." I'm confused. "Not important. The important thing is I know. And I'm going to give you a suggestion. Please just cancel the mission. This guy is super dangerous. You don't know what he's capable of." He tried to change my mind. "And how do you know? That he's dangerous, I mean." I won't let him lie to me or give a false information. "I just know. Please... Just ask Janhae to let it go and accept her fate, and live as a grey for the rest of her life. She won't get her power back." He still tried to convince me. "That's not my decision. That's her and other leaders' decision. But if you really want us to cancel the mission, maybe I can bring you to the meeting tomorrow, and you can try convincing the other leaders and p'Janhae." I won't back down. He shook his head. "I don't want them to question me. So, I really can't change your mind, huh?" He looked sad. "As I told you. It's not my decision alone. This is not the brown house mission. It's a joint mission." I dismissed him. "Then I'm going to give you another advice. Consider this a gift for accepting me into your home. Please don't bring Nanon. Just leave him out of it. Whatever happens, just leave him at the academy." I turned around. "What do you mean?" "It's not the time. They can't meet each other. Not like this. The time hasn't come yet." He left my room, leaving me alone in confusion. What does he mean?

"No. It's a bad idea. A very bad one." Mr.A told us. "But, what about my power?" P'Janhae looked upset. "I suggest you just let it go. Live as a grey for the rest of your life." He looked us straight in the eyes. He's being serious. And he said the exact same thing as Mark, meaning this guy really IS dangerous. "I'm serious. You can't. Don't meet the guy. Don't ambush him. Don't attack him. Just don't. This is an order." He dismissed us without giving us any chance to argue. We left his office.

"I don't care. I'm still going to go." P'Janhae suddenly told us on the way back to class. "But you've heard mr.A. He told us not to." P'Namtan tried to convince her friend. "But this is my power. I still want it back. I'll go alone. Don't worry, I'll be fine." She gave us an 👌🏻sign. "No, you won't. You won't go alone. I'll go with you. We'll go after the school ends. Stealth mission. We'll just sneak out of the academy. We won't tell mr.A." She made a plan. "This is super dangerous. We don't know what he's capable of. I'll go with you guys. I can help if things go south." P'Bright joined in. "And you're gonna need some help from the strongest student at this academy." I showed them my arm muscle. "And my power can be useful too." P'Earth decided to join us. "I can't go with you guys, and I won't be much of a help anyway, but you can borrow my locator." P'Win lent us his device. The others decided not to get involved, as to not anger mr.A, except for Nanon. "I can help you guys. Trust me." He wanted to tag along. "No, the answer is no." I cut in before anyone had a chance to say yes. "This guy is dangerous. Just listen to me for this one. I don't want you to get hurt." I stood my ground. "Are you saying I'm incapable? Ohm, I'm a soldier just like you. I know I can do it. Let me tag along." He tried to convince me. I know I won't win against his stubbornness. "Okay, fine. You can come along." I told him. He nodded. We walked back to the class, and I pulled Mix aside. "Mix, I need to talk to you..." I told him my plan.

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