Chapter 26

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Celeste's POV

After a long day of not only flying the jet but also fighting twice whilst using powers exhaustion has finally caught up with me. Landing the jet as we just arrived at Starks place, I just turn off my jet and put the back down before I get everyone out of the jet so I can get some sleep. I don't bother talking to anyone causing a few people to look at me with worry. When everyone left, I put a shield around my jet.

I walk over to where I keep my third phone that is hidden and call someone knowing that if I don't he will come and find me wings out and all that. I dial his number and we talk briefly before I promise to ring him again soon. I put the phone away again and walk over to where my makeshift bed is and I fall asleep straight away.

Waking up early the next morning wasn't on my to do list today though I know I should take Klaus and Elijah back to New Orleans though I know that they can just vamp speed back home. Sighing I get up and change into some workout gear, I get ready to go on a run knowing I will feel better if I do. Exiting out of the jet I wave my hand to put the shield around the jet again.

I walk to the city though I know I should probably have told someone I was leaving but ohh well. I will deal with that later. About 45 minutes later I arrive and notice the park I was aiming to be at yesterday is more populated then I thought it would have been. I realise that I may have to run at a human pace to not draw attention to myself. Sighing at that realisation I start my stretches before I start my jog.

Breathing in and out at a steady rhythm I am able to go longer making me calm down a bit. After having already been on the jog for 45 minutes now I start to feel like I can actually think clearly for once this past week.

The thoughts of being worried about James and not knowing where he is since escaping Hydra when Shield fell, have now gone thanks to me now knowing where he is and how he is also free. I also don't have to worry about him getting controlled again since I destroyed all his trigger words for the second time now.

I also now don't have to worry about how Wanda and Pietro are since I have been reunited with them again. Not being with them since they have been with the Avengers has made me on edge slightly. Especially since I didn't know when I would get a call about one of them being injured or captured. Sadly they did get captured though thankfully I was able to rescue them and the rest of the locked up Avengers. And, I am thankful I was able to at the same time find James.

People may think why am I not angry with Natalia for not keeping her promise to keep the twins safe. What they don't know is that Natalia did try to keep the twins safe. The thing that got between them is the stupid accords and if they didn't appear then no one would have been captured.

Though without the accords then I wouldn't have been able to find James, though if the accords didn't happen when they did I would have got to James first as I was close to finding him. The thing with James is that if he doesn't want to be found then it is extremely hard to find him. There was a few times where I actually saw James though I couldn't go to him because I knew I was being followed so I had to keep my distance and lead the people away from him.

Being so lost in thought I don't realise that someone has joined me on my run. Well more like watching me. When I realise I am able to keep my composure and use some of my powers to see who the people are. Calming down again I realise it is just Klaus and Elijah that are watching me but the one that is trying to keep up with me is Sam which surprises me. I slow down so Sam can keep pace with me.

We run in silence our breathing completely different. Mine is calmer and also is even, Sam's however is panting like he is trying to catch his breath making me chuckle slightly.

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