Chapter 17

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Celeste's POV

I turn back around to walk over to the computers so I can get on with the next task at hand. I sighed sitting at the computer and start to do more research for the accords and everything to do with it. I print out a copy of the accords so I can have a proper look at it and make notes on things later. I was so focussed that I didn't hear the arguments from the others. I only just saw movement from the corner of my eye and I catch the flying object in my hand. I look at the object and realise it is Steve's shield. I sigh and throw it back at Steve with more force then necessary. This means when he catches it, it makes him slide back from the force I used making him look at me surprised. Bucky tries to hide his smirk but fails as I can see the pride shining in his eyes.

"Want to tell me why the shield was thrown in my direction where there are extremely expensive computers that are basically one of a kind in a laboratory that has shit that if mixed together can be explosive?" I asked emotionless not wanting bullshit answers whilst going back to focusing on what I was doing before I got rudely interrupted.

"Want to tell me how you caught that and flung it back with more force then a regular human can do with their strength. It almost felt like it was super soldier strength." Steve asked me mumbling the last part. Bucky and I look at each other then both of us burst out laughing. Wanda and Pietro also join in knowing that I do have super soldier serum in me. Steve looks confused but Nat doesn't as she seems to have either been told or connected the dots. I think it was the ladder though.

"Try not to test an enhanced person again Steve it might not end well for you." I said after I finished laughing and I went back to work not bothered I didn't get my answer for the question about things being thrown in the lab. I again get so focused that I again don't hear the arguing until T'Challa and Shuri walk into the room.

"See you aren't bothered by the arguing." T'Challa said to me and I shake my head still reading through the documents. Shuri looks over to where the box is that the arm was supposed to be.

"You finished without me? Did you get all the testing done?" Shuri asked me like I would have forgotten and I point to Bucky.

"Have a look yourself." I said whilst being distracted and I hear Shuri squeal in excitement making me roll my eyes. I just got back to being focused when I hear Bucky's surprised voice making me actually turn and look at what's happening. I look and see that a familiar black panther is stalking Bucky in a predatory matter.

"Diablo NO." I said and next thing I know is that I am currently underneath the black cat I groan pushing him off of me.

"I missed you to buddy but can you please get off of me?" I asked the cat who wasn't happy but listened to me and got off of me. I smile at him petting his head.

"She can talk to animals now as well?" Steve said annoyed and I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't want to say or act badly in front of Diablo especially when he is near Seraphina. It is never a good move and almost always ends up badly for the person that doesn't like Seraphina." T'Challa says to Steve who just grumbled in response. I just continue to pet the black panther who was loving all the attention I was giving him. Because I was so focused on petting him I noticed the shift of attitude in him instantly and I sigh.

"Whoever is trying to get close to either Diablo or I, I would think twice before continuing to do so." I said but in response I hear someone still walking to me and I sighed knowing I can't be bothered holding Diablo back especially from where I am currently laying as it will be hard to get a good grip on the big cat to hold him back. Next think I know is that Diablo has leapt from my arms and is on Steve growling in his face. I shake my head and look to Bucky.

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