Chapter 3

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Celeste POV

2014 Present Time

It has been about 10 years since Hydra first used the mind machine on me. I have been tested on with something called the Winter Soldier Serum and a stone that I somehow absorbed when they did testing. I was put in a room with the stone and I had a feeling that they wanted me to walk up to it so I did and all the sudden the stone levitated towards me and stoped just in front of me. I heard on the PA system that they wanted me to reach out to touch the stone which I did and when I did the stone blasted massive energy and light but then it encased me with said energy and light before it came into contact with my skin and it disappeared into me. I now have even more powers then what I originally had which is great and all, but I knew that I would become a target for more enemies if I used them. I only use my new powers if I need to though I do use the mind reading more often then I should but only to know the truth. Kind of anyways. Hydra still doesn't know about my elemental powers, which I am grateful of. They also still belief that the memory wipe machine works on me. They actually think it works better on me then Winter Soldier as they always use it on him before a mission. Where as for me they use it every now and again. Mainly when they think that I have remembered something or if I do something wrong.

I am currently waiting for Alexander to be finished with waking up Winter Soldier up from his nap so we can go on our new mission. It is to take down Agent Sitwell who was captured by some guy called Captain America and one or more of his friends who also happen to be super hero's or something like that, I don't know or care at this stage. Earlier in the week Winter Soldier went on a solo mission to take down the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who was apparently the enemy. I was there as well but for back up and Winter Soldier didn't know. I know that the Director of Shield is most likely the good guy and I also know that Captain America is a good guy as well so I am worried on how this will go down.

I get called into Alexander's office and I see that Winter Soldier is standing in the corner of the room looking all broody and what not.

"Good you are here Phoenix. I need you and Winter Soldier to kill the Captain America and one or more of his friends. A team will be on your side. Winter I need you to kill Agent Sitwell who has betrayed us and I need you to then kill Captain America and Phoenix you are there for back up and to be the sniper and to kill the other two that are with Captain America. Okay? Good now off you two go. Don't come back until the mission is finished." Alexander said to us and we both get dismissed and we head off to change into our suits and start to prepare for the mission.

Once we where done with prepping for the mission we headed to the cars to start our mission. I went in a different car whilst Winter went in another. I arrived at the bridge waiting for Winter to hurry up when I saw a car flip and I saw three people cling to the front passenger door of the car when it came off. I quickly jumped out of my car and stated to get my rifle ready and I lay low and start to shoot. I then out of the corner see Nat and I curse to myself for her being here but I am glad she is out of the Red Room. I grab my voice recorded device that I already saved a message for her to listen to and I threw it towards her making sure she gets it with some help from my new powers and my old ones. I see Nat glance at it then pick it up recognising it at mine since the device as a special intricate design on it that I told Nat to always look out for when we where in the Red Room together. Both her and her sister know it is from me when ever they see it. Nat looks up from where the device came from and looks for me but because I hid myself she can't see me. I can see Nat shake her head and pocket the device so it is on her and hidden. I smirk at her knowing that she knows that I am still around and always looking out for her even when I am on the other side.

I go back to helping Winter though reluctantly especially knowing Nat is here. I continue to shoot but making sure that I am just missing the person I am aiming. I then see that someone has taken to the skies with what seem to be mechanical wings? So I take aim on the weaker points of the wings and I am able to get that target down on the ground. I smirk inwardly at that but then focus on Captain America who is fighting Winter. I then see Winter flip over and his face mask falls off. I see Captain America say something but then Nat fires a rocket launcher and Winter makes an escape whilst he can.

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