Chapter 18

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Bucky's POV

When Seraphina walked away back to the lab I look over to Steve who is now only just getting up from the tree. Wanda, Pietro, Nat, T'Challa and Shuri look at him as well before they turned to me making me nervous.

"Want to tell me who Klaus is and how he suddenly appeared?" Nat said and I shrug my shoulders.

"Hell if I know I would like to know that as well but I don't care at the moment. I just want to know how she keeps getting herself into these situations." I said still confused myself on how he seemed to know exactly who I was. Seraphina's reaction to Klaus saying the two other names was weird as well, which made me confused on everything.

"I couldn't even get into his head which is kind of weird but I am sure if Seraphina didn't trust him she wouldn't talk with him and just attack him." Wanda said and I nod my head.

"I am going to help Seraphina with reading through the accords." I said before I left to go to the lab. Everyone else stayed behind though Wanda did follow me making me slightly confused though I know she is really close to Seraphina. We both walked in silence to the lab and when we reached the door to the lab I hear curses in German and I sigh knowing Seraphina is mad if she is cursing in German. Wanda looks confused but walked ahead of me and into the lab. Seraphina didn't see it was Wanda and threw a ball of energy towards Wanda who caught the energy ball.

"Seraphina you might not want to do that to your daughter." I said to Seraphina who looked up from what she did shocked.

"Sorry Wands I thought you where Steve. I didn't actually realise it was you." Seraphina said to Wanda who just walked up to Seraphina and gave her a hug.

"You know it is fine I would rather you do it to me then anyone else mom." Wanda said making Seraphina tear up again making me chuckle slightly but I stop when I just catch the knife thrown in my direction. I just walk over to Seraphina and put the knife she threw at me on the bench. I go to one of the computers and start to research the accords and make my own notes. I can tell Wanda is confused with how I know technology.

"How does Bucky know how to use the computer so easily? Steve still struggles with any technology." Wanda asked Seraphina who looks at me silently asking if I am all right with her telling Wanda how I know how to use technology. I give Seraphina a nod and she sighs.

"James and I have escaped Hydra once before. It was also the first time I was able to get rid of Hydra's control. That is how I knew I would be able to do it again the other day. We were able to stay hidden for almost a year before Hydra found us again. In that time James was free I was able to teach him technology and even when he was back to being Winter I was able to teach Winter some things as well on longer missions. That is also where we were able to actually explore our true feelings for one another for the first time. Even when Winter was in control he never went full Winter Soldier on me when we fought. We always protected one another when we could no matter who was in control, weather it be Winter in control or James. James is the only one who knows the most about me though Klaus is a close second only because he can tell when I am lying to him and he hates it and tends to fight me until I tell him the truth. There are a lot that you and Pietro don't know about me still but I do trust you both it is just hard to tell either one of you without people constantly listening or around." Seraphina said and I give her a confused look when she mentioned Klaus again but I went back to work.

"That is okay Pietro and I both figured you never told us the truth on everything and we also both know it is going to still take a while for you to tell us everything. We still love you though you and I both know Pietro will deny it." Wanda said making Seraphina chuckle.

"Yeah he would but I still know he loves me. Now are you going to be helping me with this or just stay here? Its up to you and I don't mind." Seraphina said to Wanda making her shrug her shoulders.

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