Chapter 1

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Celeste's POV

I am sitting in front of my mother's grave wondering where everything went wrong. My mother died due to a drunk driver driving home when I was three. I remember a few things about my mother but not much due to how old I was when she died. I know that father was nicer and that he would light up when mum walked into the room. Now however he is abusive and is also an alcoholic as well.

After another few minutes updating mum on what has happened recently, I walked back home with a slight limp from last nights beatings. When I walked in the house I got yelled at for not having dinner ready yet. So I went into the kitchen and got stuff for dinner ready.

After dinner was ready I put a serving on the kitchen table and then left the room to have mine in my room. When I was done eating I hear my father calling for me. I sighed and walked downstairs.

"Yes father?" I asked him.

"Where is the alcohol?" He shouted at me.

"We don't have money for that anymore since you drank it all away. There was a carton last night but you probably drank it all already." I said not caring for his words or the upcoming beating that was soon bound to happen. Just as I thought that he got up and started to beat me. At this stage I have had enough and I could feel just how angry I have become. The next thing I know is that my father has been flown across the room and he is now unconscious. I then hear the tornado sirens go off which is weird as there wasn't any forecast or predicted. I know that they can come up suddenly but still, it is strange that it has suddenly appeared.

I decide to leave my father where he is, splayed out on the floor unconscious where he got blown away from me and I went down to the cellars and locked the door. I prayed that the twister blow the house down. I could here the windows shatter and that the house was tearing apart, every brick, every board tearing apart. The twister was now surrounding the cellar but not on top of it from what I could hear. That was the last thing I can remember before everything went black.

I must have fallen asleep praying that the twister blow the house down, including every brick, board, slamming door. Nothing was left of the house that was standing there yesterday. Every tear-soaked whisky memory has been blown away thankfully. Since the cellar is the only thing standing I leave and say one last final goodbye to my mum, who's grave survived somehow. After saying goodbye for the last time I left and never came back.


I have been on the run for a year now. I have realised that the twister was my fault and that I have other elemental powers that I have practiced, when it was safe to do so. My air/wind powers I am in control of the most and the fire is the power I struggle with the most though with how uncontrollable it can get at times.

I am currently being chased by an organisation called Hydra because I had come across one of their basses by accident and then everyone in the building started to try to capture me. I know that they are bad guys so I didn't want to be caught. I knew that I couldn't use my powers so I resulted in my hand-to-hand combat that I have improved on whilst being on the run. As I was focusing on the agents I didn't realise that some of them started to back off and another guy entered the place. I only noticed him when I saw a left mechanical arm holding a knife swing at me and I dodged just in time but I could tell that the guy was stronger then a normal human somehow. My instinct was telling me that he isn't just human. I knew that I should trust my instincts and have countless times before, only time I didn't was walking here but I regret that decision now.

Whilst fighting the guy and I could tell that my energy was depleting and I knew he knew that as well. I kept on fighting the guy until I could no longer and I collapsed from blood loss and tiredness. The guy with the metal arm caught me and carried me further into the building following other agents. One of them seemed to be speaking another language to the guy with the metal arm and the guy with said metal arm seemed to be following orders or something.

Next thing I know is that I am waking up in a cell next to the guy with the metal arm. I wanted to talk but I could tell that it wouldn't be the best idea until I knew what type of situation I have gotten myself into this time.

The door to the cells opened up and a Hydra agent came and dragged me out of my cell and into another room. I am put into this big metal chair and the agent locked my arms and legs to the chair. I see some other guards come in and surround what must be the boss man of the operation.

"Who are you and how did you find us?" The supposed boss man said. I knew not to say my real name, as that would be a stupid idea to do so, so I said the first name that came to mind.

"Seraphina. Now what is your name so I don't have to keep calling you boss man in my head?" I asked in a snarky tone. The boss man chuckled and the agents around him looked shocked but regained their composure quicky.

"Now, now Seraphina why would I tell you my name?" he asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"Ahh because it is curtsey. Although for you that must be hard since you are the bad guy here in this situation." I said to him not caring about what ever might happen. I see his left eye twitch and I keep that information for later.

"Fine my name is Peirce. Xavier Peirce, now Seraphina how did you find this place?" He asked me and I shrugged. Well as much as I could with being tied and bound.

"By accident really. I was just looking for a place that looked abandoned and thought this place was but then your guys decided to show up with guns ablaze and some started to fight me. Had to fight back to survive you know?" I said whilst smiling.

"Well you did good on fighting my agents. Have you had much training?" Xavier asked me and I shook my head. I know that I logically should be scared but with the amount of previous abuse I got I have gotten used to physical and mental abuse so I don't care what he does to me. Plus I can tell that he, for some reason is being nice to me.

"If by training you mean figuring it out yourself whilst technically being a orphan on the run. Then yes I have training. If you mean actual training from someone else teaching me then no." I said feeling talkative. Again I know I shouldn't but at this stage I couldn't care less. I could see the gears turning in Xavier's head and I can tell he wants me to stay and be one of his agents. How I knew this, I don't know.

"So no training formally. Good, we can start you from the beginning and you can work your way up the ranks. So since you are brand new you are going to stay here for a year then I will send you to a friend mine and he will further you're training and after your training you will come back here. Understand?" Xavier asked me and I nodded my head.

"Fine only because I know escaping is useless." I said no bothering to hide the truth because he knows it and I know it. I guess it is why I have been so talkative and willing. I know I will eventually either die here or somehow, miraculously escape but I know I won't be able to for now. And I am not willing to die yet.

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