As silent as I can I go through the door and make my way through the halls. As I turn the corner I see three dead cops laying in a bloody mess. The sight alone makes me want to throw up.

Taking another deep breath I follow the sound of voices, while listening really hard I hear not only Scott and Matt, but also Stiles and Derek. 

"I can move my toes."

"Dude, I can move my toes."

"So can I, but then again I can move my legs too." I say as I step into the room and make sure to look around to see if there's anyone else around. "Luna, thank god you're here, Matt's gone crazy."

"Tell me about it, I've been saying it for weeks now."

"My dad is locked up with Melissa by the cells and Scott's with Matt."

"Hmhm, they're okay?"

"I think so."

"How'd you find out?"

"Swim team, I think he drowned... Luna he's got a gun and he's angry, like really angry."

"I'll try to not piss him off then."

All of a sudden the lights go out and an alarm goes off. Matt's shouting and gunshots are fired. I quickly hide on the side of the door as I hear someone come running our way. I'm relieved when I see it's just Scott. "Take him. Go!" Derek shouts and Scott does what he says, taking Stiles from the ground and putting an arm around him he takes Stiles with him. 

I stand absolutely frozen as Jackson passes me, he looked me in the eyes for a second before he went to follow behind Scott. When he was gone I went over to Derek's side and kneeled next to him. 

"How do I help you?"

"I need you to get the venom out."


"I need to bleed, badly."

I nod, putting my claws into his arm and immediately blood comes rushing out. "Is this really gonna work?" I ask him not understanding how him bleeding out is gonna make this situation any better. "It might, you need to go before Jackson comes back here."

"You want me to leave you?"

"I want you to help Scott..."

"I'll try, but i'm coming back for you."

I could hear Jackson coming back our way so I turned the other way. I run through the station constantly looking around me to not be surprised by anything. As i'm about to turn a corner someone almost slams into me. "Whoa!" I shout holding my hand on my chest. "Allison?"

"Where's Derek?" She asks me keeping her crossbow pointed at me. "What are you doing?"

"If you're not going to tell me, then get out of my way... Where is he?"

"What happened?" 

"Luna... Luna you need to stay away from me right now.. Just stay out of my way." I stood frozen as I watched her run away from me. I wasn't sure what I had done to piss her off this much. I can't think of anything I have done, not since we spoke earlier today. In fact if you were to ask me i'd say we were more than just fine, I thought there was something real between us. 

As I walked the corner I only get more lost then I already was. I've been in the station countless times and I still have no idea where i'm going, usually I rely on Noah to lead me around. It's not even a really big station i'm just walking in circles at this point. 

A loud scream can be heard throughout the whole station. I start running towards the scream as fast as I can knowing something bad must have happened to Allison. Matt must have heard me coming, because the second I ran into the room a gun was pointed right at me.

"I- You don't have to do this..." I say as I hold my hands up, hoping to not get shot. Sure, i'd heal, but getting shot would still very much suck and I don't know what he would do to Allison. I can see her laying on the ground paralyzed from the neck down. "What you're doing won't help the fact that you drowned... the only thing that would ever make you feel better would be some swimming classes." He steps closer to me, holding the gun to my head. 

"Shut up! You think this is funny?!"

"Hmm no no, It's not funny. I think this is... it's pathetic really. A grown boy who can't swim, who doesn't know how to swim?"

"You shut up!"

"Or what?! You'll shoot me?!"

"You know about that little white light that they talk about, you see when you die? Well, I didn't see anything. Just... Darkness. Everything was dark."

"The white light is very real, I can assure you that."

"That's right, you died."

"My heart stopped for five minutes." I say calmly whilst watching him closely. I noticed he keeps looking around, as if he's waiting for something or afraid someone will come in.  In the corner of my eye I see Allison laying helplessly on the ground. "What do you want from her?"

"She should've given me a chance."

"Why would a girl as perfect as Allison go for a loner like you? Matt, she's way out of your league." 

"I can take care of her!" He shouts at me, swinging his gun around. "She doesn't need someone to take care of her, she's perfectly capable of doing that herself... What she deserves is someone who can make her feel like she's the most beautiful girl in the world and someone who would put their whole life on pause just for her or someone who would... someone who'd simply love her." 

"What do you know about her! You're not even her friend!"

I scoff, knowing I know her very well. I know her better than he does and I haven't been stalking her. "And here I thought you watched her every move-"

Pov Allison: 

A gun shot is fired and I can't see anything other than this stupid ceiling. I'm paralyzed from the neck down so I can't see her, but i'm sure she's the one that got shot. I heard her whole conversation with Matt and that girl really isn't afraid. She was basically asking him to shoot her by the way she started laughing at him. I just hope she's okay, I wouldn't know what to do if she got hurt. 

I closed my eyes as someone approached me, I could feel them hovering above me. "It's me." Luna softly whispers as she moves my hair behind my ears. "Where's Matt?"

"He's gone, he ran... I'm gonna take you out of here, okay?"

"What happened? He shot you?" 

"I'm fine Alli, I wasn't the one that got shot."

She gently lifted me off the ground and carried me with her out off the building. Outside I saw my father running our way. She let him take me into his arms and he nodded at her as a way to thank her. 

 I watched her go over to Derek who was waiting on her. 

"I see you can move more than your toes."

"Very funny, Luna."

"You know I always am, anyways, how about you give ma a ride back home."

"Get in."

loving a hunter | Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now