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Finally, after 4 hours everything was over, and all credit goes to advik the way he stood with me in a whole conversation was something I never imagined , someone whom I thought of as a playboy, womanizer and what not will be this gentleman ! Seriously for a second it was hard for him to believe that's him ,advik singhania!?....my thoughts trailed off as I Heard my name from behind and I looked at him .

What happened advik? I asked him as he looked pissed off

"I tried my best so that the media doesn't get to know about anything but then I got to know that Rishabh's team has circulated too many wrong things about you in the public, honestly I don't know what was there between you guys  back there in the college days and honestly I don't want to ,but then when they were bringing him here in this police station he told media something..."?

"And what was that "?? I asked him this time being unaware of what he could utter.

"He said that you guys planned everything,you working in our company that too as an ethical hacker was planned by both of you in order to harm me and my company,you were giving him every detail about the company and everything was going smoothly between you too but then......"

"He stopped in between and with that he tried to look but not at me ,his eyes trailed everywhere but not even once they met mine,"but before he can continue further I myself stopped with my words".

"Advik,trust me there was no contact between us and this all is ..."before I can justify him ,he moved forward"

"He moved forward,and held my shoulders softly!!! His warm hands did something to me which felt so good to be described and then his words came which made me look at him ,the way I never did before".

"Radhika,you don't need to explain anything to me ! If the world is standing against you and telling that you are wrong, I wouldn't believe in that..never ! I trust you More than I trust myself ".

He completed,

"How can you trust me this much advik what if everything against me turns out to be true,and you are also aware of the fact that I never liked you ,fuck I hated you...so what if "...

I was about to complete my words but than,he said something which again caught all my attention.

"I don't know,.. actually I.....he paused..... I told you that I trust you more than myself,and I make sure that I prove that statement when I feel like you are not able to believe,and you know that you aren't good at lying or hidding things infront of me so if something was fishy from your side then I would have got it but no there's nothing.

"Thanks" that's what I said because there was anything else to say, or I was not able to say anything,

He looked at me again as he was about to say something but then we heard his voice again.

"Wow,baby first with me and now with our enemy" Rishabh said,

We both looked just to see Rishabh standing,and just behind him media was there, they were trying hard to enter Inside the police station but,but police man were stopping but then also some them did enter inside and what they did was to throw there camera over my face,and I stepped back in defence but media is mad for sure..and the question they raised!!!!!.

"Radhika,can you tell us that how much money did advik singhania offered you to do this "?

"First Rishabh Malhotra and then your boss, according to reports you were in relationship with both of them is that true ".

"You accused Rishabh for sexual harrasment but never said single thing about your boss inspite knowing that what type of man he is "???

I was so shocked with the questions of which they were coming up with ,I saw advik fuming in anger and how police officers were trying there best to take media away but the weren't able to do that ,God media is so sick ! But then I saw rishabh's face and that was enough for me.

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