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Radhika pov ..

Finally after running away from him
I am here standing in road , waiting for my cab ..what on earth is going on ? I saw him again, I is again here infront of me after 2 years ,his eyes were on me and he was walking towards me with his bodyguards ...run radhika you know that u can't handle him then why are you standing like this ? My mind asked me ,I need to go from Here and with that I turned but was stopped when he came infront of making me step back ..he was wearing grey colour three piece suit which was perfectly hugging his body , his eyes were on me and my eyes were getting wet ,but I can't let him see me like this ,he doesn't deserve to stand infront of me ;he was not saying a single word and for me my world was stopped my eyes caught that chain which was there in his neck..why he is still wearing this chain? He should throw this chain away then why ?
Pov end

Radhika..he called her ,but she was not saying anything and suddenly he saw her cheeks getting wet ;he stepped closer to her and before his hand can reach her cheeks she stepped back !
Don't you dare to touch me rishabh Malhotra.. finally she told him
I missed you radhika I really missed you ,
Really, u missed me but for what rishabh?
Radhika come with me I will explain you everything please..
Rishabh I really don't want to listen to u ...just just go away or let me go away
I will not radhika I have been searching for u since last 2 years do you know how much pain I was in ..
Stop it rishabh Malhotra , I am telling you that I don't want to talk to u then why are u doing this ;just let me go. saying this she started leaving but was stoped by him when he hold her hand and it was enough! She turned to him and slaped him hard , don't u dare to touch me rishabh
Radhi ..he tried to explain
I will not think twice before slapping you rishabh, I hope This is our last meet and if not I'll sure it to be !
Fine for now but I will not leave you like this radhika , I am here for u only She walked away from him , can't god let her live peacefully that they sended him again in her life ..whyy ?

Rishabh pov
Radhika singh.. again I am back in your life but this time I will mark u mine , I was fool that time but I realised that I really love u and now no matter what I will get you back in my life, I have already executed my plans you just wait and watch , and my love this slap will return to u but in a different way!
Pov end

Radhika pov
As soon I walked inside my apartment I was in floor crying my heart out , my past was standing in front of me and was telling that he missed me !! Joke of the decade, When I was in 12 standard he was my crush,he was my classmate and good looking to but what attracted me was his behaviour..
The way he use to get shy ,the way he cared about everyone...his respect for teachers and everything about him attracted me, he was my first crush and we were good friends . After 12 we ended up in same college and again I started likeing him ,after knowing him for 3 years I finally decided to tell him about my feelings ,I told him that I like him from our school time , I was so happy that finally I will have someone with me also who will care about me , who will listen to me ,with whom I will feel that everything will be good..but I told him that I am not sure that I love him or not but was sure that I like him and he told me that he loves me and he will wait for the day when I will realise my love for him, just after few days he wanted to get physical with me but I was not ready..I am a girl who wants to loose my verginity to the person ,whom I love , he didn't even touched him Till that not even a single hug ; touching a guy it means alot to me that club guy was the first guy to touch me and I miss his touch I really do , but when I told rishabh that I don't want to get physical he got frustrated and shouted on me saying that I am not worth of him , his dad is billionaire he doesn't go behind girls like me , he was feeling pity for me and that's why he lied to me by saying that he loves me , he even told hole college that I am an orphan he told many rubbish things about me ..That day I got to know him the real rishabh Malhotra in all those years he was fake !! After that he never came to apologise to me , I hate him now why he is again here ? He was telling me that he missed me ..no he can never miss me ,and that chain was given by me only and he is still wearing it ..why on earth this is happening
I can't handle all this anymore
After him I never liked anyone because of fear inside me that what if all that repeats again what if again someone lefts me , I wanted him to be the first guy whom I hug but don't know why I didn't felt correct in doing that ., My heart Always stoped me and I am thank full to it otherwise I would have regretted.. I have always looked for someone who will truly love me just one person,from childhood I have been craving for love and I think that I will be craving for it only maybe some of ous are not meant to be love and I am one of the ..maybe I don't deserve love that's why my parents left me ; I closed my eyes in pain rembering all my struggles..but suddenly remembered his touch and I started smiling that touch,I need to feel that touch again ,
I have always believed in god and if he is really there than I am sure that I will meet him again..I want that miracle to happen again.. beautiful miracle!! whenever I go in that club I step out of that club and stand in front of the tree which was behind that club, I meet him there only in the darkness but he camed there like a light ..U should go and smile in the places you cried ; I remembered his words again and opened my eyes..that rishabh is not worth of my tears, I should not think about him and how can I cry infront of him ? Radhika he is a stranger to u .. telling myself I stood up and washed my face after that I called avni
Pov end

Are u free ? Radhika asked avni as she picked her call
Obviously yess radhika..she replied
Okk fine then ,we will meet at 8pm,.. radhika told her
Why ? Is there something? Avni asked
Let's go to club,you wanted to go , so let's go today because I don't think that i will get any time from tomorrow.. radhika told her
Radhika..I Know your reasons so you better don't try ,
Fineeee.. Radhika said while looking at her hand ..single touch cam make u go crazy ?
Ok let's meet at 8pm ,avni told her hanging up

Radhika pov
I do drinks but sometimes only and today I really need to drink so that I can forget all what happened today and also going with a hope of 0.00001 % of meeting him , I didn't saw his face but he did saw my face under moonlight that's what I think I hope he did , radhika it's to crazy my mind told me but I can't help , again I closed my eyes to remember that touch but I saw his smile..advik smiling face!! I immediately opened my eyes..
What is going on with me first I was staring at him then I was following him and now I am thinking about him ; and that washroom scene..oh god that was really bad experience .. radhika you are getting crazy u should get some sleep,I told myself and with that I slept in my couch only

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