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Radhika pov ...

Selecting good dress for yourself is a big deal.!! From last 1 hour I am looking for a good dress which can suit me but I am not able to get any one of them , finally I got something for me ..let me try this with that I looked at myself in the mirror which was just behind me but before I can continue ..
I heard his voice, it's advik voice, don't think about him so much and what u have to do if he is really here , I told myself ...but again my eyes started searching for him , If he is here or not !! My eyes will not get over him specially after that eye contact before my mind can think anymore my eyes caught him ,he is here in reality, and in girls counter , radhika go and ask him to repair your car just go , my mind reminded me of car and before I can go and talk to him he was not there , just seconds ago he was standing here only ..ahh this man , no matter what I will not leave him today and no matter what I have to say thank you to him ..
I don't think I can found him ? May be I was wrong he was not advik ,
as I started to go down i found him again ..Not gonna lie I didn't expected him to see like this , he was side hugging a girl and she was really preety! But the very next moment she kissed him on his cheeks before I can see them doing anything further he removed her hand and left I can see her calling his name but this man was not paying any attention to her ..what Is going on ? Will someone make me understand or I am only dumbest creature in the earth !!

You can't stop staring at me can you ? He said while standing infront of me,
Again he caught me staring at him what should I say now I was supposed to get angry on him !
I wasn't not staring at you it .., before I can complete he left ..!!!! I can't let him go like this I need to follow him
Wait advik singhania wait I shouted but he was not paying any attention to me ..I was literally running behind him and he was walking, god he walks so fast why ? I thought,
he entered somewhere and to follow him I also entered not paying any attention to my surrounding my all attention was on him only .finally he Stopped.
Pov end

Now where will you go ? She asked advik
Shitt he shouted, what are doing here Radhika, he asked her but she didn't replied
Get out someone will come, how can you enter here like this ??
Why can't I ..her mouth was left open as she realised that she was in boy's washroom!!! Dumbest creature on this earth yah she is !
I am so sorry I don't how I ended up coming her , saying this she turned to go out but advik walked forward leaving her behind and he locked washroom door from inside ..

What was he upto? Radhika u should have not followed him like this first I was staring at him and then I followed him he must be thinking of me as his new fan girl how is getting crazy for him but it's definitely not true .

Are u mad or what ? Why u followed me like this ? He questioned her and she can see how angry he is ...
I was just trying to stop you but you were not listening to me and this happen;
So cradit goes to me ? He asked her
Maybe yes ! She told nervously.
Whatever let me go now someone will come ,she told him
You didn't thought this before entering here ,he told her in his sweetest tone ..
See I followed you because I wanted to say thank you
For what ? He asked her
Yesterday you helped so for that thank you ..she told him
Which one ? I mean I helped you in two ways which one are you talking about ?
So my assumptions were correct you were the one who punchared my car right?
You are not that dumb , Nice ..he said while moving closer to her and she moved back ..
What did even I did that u did that? She asked him angerly
Because you called me devil and I thought to proof u correct with my small action;
And that action was really childish! She told him
Who cares ..he said while looking at her eyes..( can't he just step into my eyes she thought)
My car is there standing in Singhania enterprises and I will not take that car with me till you don't make it ok ..
What if I not ..he said
Don't worry I don't have any problem in taking lift from u , she said while looking at his eyes which were not leaving her even for a second,
You think advik singhania will give you lift ? He asked ..
Don't worry I'll make that happen..
Are you challenging me ? He asked coming closer to her and now there was no space for her to step back ,
May be , she said
Can I go now ? What if someone will come and see me you like this ; specially girl in boy's washroom,
I will not let u go this easily..he said
Advik..u should let .. before she can he
Interrupted, it's advik sir for u Ms singh ..
I now it's sir for me but we are not in the office right now so don't expect any sir from me outside the office
Yahh right now we are in washroom..he tuanted
Open the door someone shouted from outside, otherwise I will call gaurd
Both heard a knock and radhika was going to shout but was stopped after hearing his words
" I sure radhika don't u try to say a single word and if u did then I can make sure that u will like the taste of my lips on yours!!
She was shocked and quickly puted her hand hand over her lips ! He can do anything
Without paying any attention to her action he opened the door and checked out if there is someone or not and when he saw no one he stepped out ,she followed him and thank God there was no one !!

Don't u dare to follow me from next time is it clear ?
I was concerned about my car that's why I followed so don't take it that way .. Radhika told him
In which way ?
See your girl is calling you ,she said and he turned to see but found no one and when he turned towards radhika she was not there ;
I will see her, Advik thought and left

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