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Mr Advik Singhania can you just stop on your path , please!!! Radhika shouted but Advik was in no mood to listen and he quickly entered inside the lift ..
Radhika stoped herself From going further,she stand in front of the lift and advik stood inside the lift ,he paid all his attention in his phone ignoring her presence,
And now lift doors were closed ,

What I am suppose to do ? I tried to stop him so that I can tell him the truth but he was not ready to listen,I tried my best to stop him but he didn't and that was enough for me to tolerate ! If he wants to think that I was also involved with rishabh in his plan ..then let him think that , It doesn't affect me but then again I do want him to know the all truth!
God , what is happening in my life ?
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't paid any attention to rishabh who was standing next to me ,

I looked at him so much hatred in my eyes ,and he also looked at me .

You were suppose to tell him the truth Rishabh, she told him softly

Radhika I told you everything,what I did and why I did ..and there was no chance for me to explain him everything,

Leave it rishabh,
you don't have to look for the chance ,there is always a chance but it depends on you that where you want to take it or not ,

Let him think what he wants to think ,
You should not worry about it ..he is already out and I know that there will be no change in him ,he will be that same advik !

He is out because he deserves to be out , He allowed police for the investigation,even he got himself there in the police station ..but they were not having any arrest warrant against him still he coperated with them ! Without being in fault..the one who did all this drama enjoyed seeing everything!

Radhika I am soory, rishabh said

Why are you saying that to me rishabh!! There is no apology for what you did ,how can you be this cheap? She asked him,

It was ...
Leave rishabh , she told him before he can complete,

I am here to talk Radhika, he told

Rishabh I really don't know that what you are planning to do,
I just don't want to have any type of connection with you, and i am requesting you to not come here agian,
And no matter what you are going to confess everything to advik ..this time I will not let you go easily!! I am going to tell him the hole truth ,
Radhika told him and started leaving,

You think he will believe you radhika? He asked her and she stopped,

It's not about believing in me it's about beleivng in your deeds and he will definitely do that , That anger in his eyes towards you told me that how much he believes in you rishabh,
He is going to make you regret what you did ,mark my words,
Rahika told him,

Let him do what he wants to do , I do care less about him ,,
"What all I want is to sort out everything with you Radhika " Infact all I want is you radhika,just you !
He told her ,

If you came here again then I'll make share to inform this to police,so you better don't,,

Radhika told him but he smiled at her ,and that smile on his made her leave that place immediately she quickly got inside her apartment and locked it ,,

This is what makes me love you radhika,more than I do ..more than I can do .. it's true that when you lost something precious then you get to know it's value and that's what hites me hard ,after I completey lost her that time I realised that how lucky I was to have her in my life ,but now I will not let her go ..she has to be there with me , for me ..get ready radhika singh for your future with me !


Rishabh can never change ,he is like that only selfish !!
He can go to any extent for himself .
How can he act so cheap and that Ritika also joined him ,
People can go to any extent for their satisfaction and no matter if it makes someone hurt or not ,
I should have told advik that it's rishabh but then how could I have explained him about the locket and now he is thinking that there is something going on between me and that rishabh,but that can never happen!
How can he even think that I was also involved with him !!!!! Yeah he knows that I do not like him but now after that club incident and some more things I do feel like he is something which he don't show ,he is hiding himself from this cruel World,
Now I do feel like that he is not devil present in hell,
Maybe I hated him for no reasons ,
I believed what everyone showed but then he himself confessed that he is same as what he is shown by media but he forget that eyes can not lie ,
And what all I focused was in his eyes and they clearly told me that he lied ,well Advik Singhania is definitely good at lying but I am also good at studing people,

"My thoughts were broken when my eyes caught that site of floor where file was lying "
I quickly opened it..

Seriously ????
Man I was not shocked I was hell shocked,
It was my resignation letter which was signed by Advik but next papers did shocked me because he offered me to work in Singhania enterprises which was in Bangalore, inspite of everything he still wants me to work with his company only ,
There was not even a single point where I told him that I want to work।with them ,and then also he wants me to work with them only ,
And that to in Banglaore,, honestly people who work there are well experienced and I really don't think that I deserves to work there ,I am still learning.
But advik thinks that I dereve to work there ,he is wrong here because I don't and if he offered me this thinking that I will not get any work after leaving singhania enterprises than he his wrong , I have so many more offers from other companies which are ready to pay me high amount than I am getting here ,
No matter what I am not going to work there ,
I was putting those papers in file and my eyes got stuck on his sign which was on my resignation letter,

Well now it hurts , My hatred towards advik made me do this ,but in reality I don't want to leave singhania enterprises, I am working here from last 2 years and there are so many memories attached! And moreover that company provides me comfort and piece which I want ,
From the time advik camed , I tired to ignore my joy there just became of his presence even though he never interferd, I always told Advik that I want to resign but deep down I don't!
When he told me to think about my decision then I really want to give it a chance thinking that may be things change,may something change between me and advik but he got himself here to give me this file and everything was spoiled because of Rishabh, I might have told advik that it's rishabh but see what he got to know !
I will tell him everything that how and why rishabh did this all and I will tell that I don't want to resign, I did have problem with him but I don't think that he will do anything,as he said I am not his type and offcourse I am not , I am the girls next door..hw can I be his type !

Well i need to drink tea ,that can only help me otherwise I will end up thinking more of Rishabh but one think I am sure that he is up to something big ,maybe that's related to advik or me ,
He is agian messing my life ! But this time I'll make sure him to regreat everything he do and did !!

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