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Radhika pov

Don't know why I end up coming here when I don't enjoy myself, all what I do here is drinking and see couples well some of them are really cute , I can see avni dancing with random guy's ,look at me sitting in the corner having my drinks , and again I can feel my cheeks getting wet ! That rishabh is not going out of mind ;with that I asked waiter to give me 4 more shots and he did , two three guys aproached me but I said no !
I turned my chair with one more glass to have a good view of all them but my eyes caught him and it's a really good view, how can we meet again ?
I hope he didn't see me again because I know he will ask questions related to Mall accident;
For the very first I am going to say that yah Advik singhania is Greek god,I can see him from here he is in vip section but not alone beside him a sexy girl who is laughing hard ! Is he cracking jokes ? Security guard was standing outside of the vip section,
He was looking damn hot today ,black pant with black shirt which was tucked inside his pant and black suit as usual his shirts button were left open showing off his chest and chain; standing up I made myself to him just to confirm myself that's its him only,I was just standing infront of the glass of vip section and yes it was him only .I can see him drinking continously but that girl stoped him taking away glass she made herself comfortable in his lap and he didn't said anything !!! why he would say anything ? Again my eyes got stuck on him only, he slipped her hairs around her ear and than moved her from his lap , what's going on again? He was coming towards entrance and I turned to leave before he can see me but was stopped when he called me ,I am not in my senses I can't even walk properly '' but still I manage to step out of the club I am not in mood to have a talk with him !
Now my mind is not in my control its all under alcohol somehow I manage to go out of the club
Pov end

Advik pov
Radhika..!!what she is doing here ? I don't know why but never thought of meeting her in this club again, she was looking preety in that black dress, all girls are trying to look sexy and hot but she is just simply slaying, she was looking badly drunk, I stepped out to her leaving that girl behind but I didn't found her ,she wasn't here ..I saw people clicking my pics , don't know what will be new headlines ignoring all of them I stepped out of the club ,
I saw her standing infront of the tree what she is doing here ? Asking my self I stepped closer to her , I can feel her woody colonge making there way inside my nostrils..
Drinking is injurious specially during periods , I told her she turned towards me but her hair slaped me !!
Pov end

She turned towards him and his eyes followed her eyes path ,her tears were making there way down her cheeks
But I don't drink,she said while looking here and there, radikha is there something wrong? He asked coming closer to her but she was blank how can she tell him that there is everything wrong, radhika I am asking you something he asked again ! Why are u here advik ? She asked him if ignoring his question
I am here to see you , you were again staring at me what's going on ? He asked her , I was not staring at you "you should go your partner must be waiting for u "she told him
Finee you were not staring at me and I will like you to go home " He said while coming closer to her, there's something which makes him loose himself
Tears were pouring down her eyes like Rain ,pain was visible in her eyes !
Finally after a long pause her lips moved and she asked him ..
Advik can I hug you ? Radhika what are you saying? You are Asking him to hug Don't you dare to do this ,her mind adviced her but her heart was not listening to anyone today maybe it was alochol inside her system,
He didn't replied because he knows that if he hugged her than what will be happening in morning when she will get back in her senses so it's better to walk away , Everyone including her will think that he took advantage of her drunken state and advik singhania doesn't do that so it's better to walk away from her ;
He was going to step back but was stoped when she hold his hand,he turned towards her she was not crying anymore her tears were dry ;
What are you doing radhika, let me go he said but she holded his hand more tightly, This is very first she is touching him then why it felts similar,
Advik singhania am I that bad that you can't even give me a small hug ?
Radhika for guy like me it's not a big deal but I know you will regret this in the morning, So let me go away !..he told her , honestly holding her hand
Don't think to much advik just forget everything! She said while coming closer to him ,
You are not in your senses radhika! He told her again..In last two months he realised that She is not like others who will do anything for his attention, They both are completely opposite and he knows that he is not her type ..but before he can think anymore he felt her hands around his waist her head was near his chest she was felling his heartbeat..he didn't hugged her back because he is in his senses only "he just closed his eyes to feel that moment there was no girl till now who hugged him like this he can feel her "he had always heard about hugs which can make you forget everything going around you and today it was happening with her ,she made him forget everything but he never believed,

Radhika you should go now ,he told her while taking her hands off
She finally left him but was still standing close to him ,He again turned to walk away but was stopped after listening her words
Why don't you touch me advik like the way you touch other girls..he turned back and gave her a angry look but she wasn't understanding anything
Give answers to your questions in the morning .. now leave!! His tone was high
Devil for a reason ,she said and walked towards him but the very next moment she was in ground
He was still standing in his place seeing her anticks.. drinking should be banned he told himself,
Atleast now give me your hand ,she asked him
Did you asked to me to give you a glass of alochol to ? He asked sweetly
Obviously not , I asked waiter,she told him innocently
Come he said while giving his hand she holded and stand up with his help, but when he tried to took his Hand back she wasn't leaving it
His eyes followed her eyes and he saw her looking at their hands ,she was lost , somehow he managed to take his hand back but her eyes were still on him
What are you planning to hug me again? He asked her while making a safe distance
"I am feeling cold" she told him
Ok then go inside and tell the person with whom you are here to drop you
He said while taking a step forward
But he looked back at her and again he walked towards her
Taking of his court he came towards her and made her wear his black court ,
Now ok he asked,her ? Yess ! but I want to sleep I can't go inside
Then go home radhika,whose home should I go ,she asked him
Mineee, obviously you will be going your home only ,he said
Smart boy sometimes you talk sensable to she said smiling
I will talk to you in the morning,byeee
Wait Advik singhania..she shouted
What now radhika? He asked
You didn't hugged me back why ? She asked him and he can see her that she needs to sleep she is looking hell tired,
Because I don't wanted to do that ,he replied and that made her emotional
Advik you..

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