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It was alredy 7.10 at evening and I was waiting for him , no dout nervousness was all over there in me but still somehow I managed to look ok ,
I was looking at my phone when suddenly Heard someones car horns and I got that it's him only , I looked at the direction and yes it was him !!
He pulled break and I guess his car was on full speed ,, putting my phone inside my purse I stepped towards his car !!

Advik ..

As I pulled break infront of her building, I found her alredy standing there .
She was looking absolutely stunning in that long black dress ,
Her hairs were left open and she didn't forget to apply that red lipstick on her perfectly soft lips ! Her simplicity makes her look more beautiful, the way she carries herself around others is like she knows what's coming next !

I unlocked door of her side so that she can enter, and she quickly did
As soon she entered,my hole car smelled like her, it wasn't first time !

Why are you looking at me like that ? Advik asked her when she didn't said anything,

I was looking at those marks on your forehead! She replied immediately

Satisfying isn't? He asked her resting his head on seat !

Yes ! They are satisfying as they are healing,,her reply made advik regret what he asked her .

We should leave , he told her and Started,

Award function is going to start at 9pm why we are going this early ?

"Because I want to " advik replied her And radhika didn't tried to stretch their conversation,

Radhika was looking out ,she wasn't lost but tried to ignore that silence which was between them ,
Suddenly he pulled break which made her look at him !

Why we are here ? She asked him ..again looking out of window, there was no one in the road it was just them , ..

This is the perfect place where I can get my answers ,he told her

But why here ?? I mean just look around there is no one ! Not even street lights ! Radhika replied,

So what ? Function is going to start by 9pm and still we have more than hour!

I don't know anything,you need to start driving! And if you don't want to then let me drive , radhika told him

Are you scared Ms Singh? He asked her while locking her sides windows,

No , I am not .. it's just that this place is not looking right! Radhika told him

Don't worry about that , Everything will look good till I am here with you ,he said and looked at her ..and then his expression were so smooth that for a second radhika thought to believe him ,

But .. she started but was stopped after listening him

How you got to know that it was rishabh? Ignoring her words ,he asked her

Because of that love locket on his neck ! She confessed and looked straight ignoring his stare on her ,

In which RR is written? He asked ,to which she just nodded her

But there are lot of people who put love lockets , but why you thought that it's him only ?

How can I not recognise that locket when It was given by me , Radhika said and looked and at him ,she noticed that how his expressions changed for a second but then he covered them !

That locket was given by me to him during our college days ,
RR means Radhika and Rishabh, I got that for him from my very first income!

You guys were in relationship? Advik asked her ,
Yes ,we were but only for some days ..like 4 or 5 ! You can't even call that relationship can you ?

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