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'She must be sleeping advik ' dhruv told him .

Advik didn't replied and dialled her number again,

Why the hell she is not picking up ? He shouted

"Because she must be sleeping, simple"
Dhruv replied

"I'll call her back in morning"advik told and started taking off his shoes

"Tell me honestly are you stressing about her that what she must be feeling about all this happing "?
Dhruv asked

Advik didn't said anything he just looked at dhruv and finally after a long pause he nodded at his words

"Was she really very upset about all this "? Advik asked him

"She was ,the fact that hurted her most was they talked about her parents whom she even don't know !!

Advik closed his eyes ,his expression were enough to tell that what was going on in his mind ,

"Neha sharma right "? He asked

Yes ,,dhruv replied

Advik,he called his name and he looked at him gesturing to continue with what he started,

"Advik is there something in your heart for her "?

He asked to which advik rolled his eyes and stood up to leave but dhruv stoped him by taking hold on his hand.

"Dhruv ,how can you even ask that ?I mean you know that I don't  believe in these feelings and all stuff it's all lust which you name differently,
There's is no way of me feeling something for any one out there .You know it very well so please next time don't say something like this ".

"You are just fucked up with your own thoughts advik Singhania , actually you are scared that what if everything you believe is not true ..you even yourself know that from the very first you met her at club there was something that kept you attracted towards her ,and let me tell you if there was someone else in place of radhika then you would have not waited to throw that person out but with radhika you respected everything, she told that she can never work under someone like you but you wanted her to work so you kept you distance from her .
I know you advik and trust me I can see that what is going on between you to ! You beleive it or not advik she is changing you and you are changing her way of looking at things ,you both are just making best out of each other without knowing it ".

Before he can complete,advik throws his blazer on sofa and stepped out of room without listening to him .

Sunrays entered my room and this was the first time I was up before they can fall on my face.
I didn't slept hole night because of what happened yesterday ! Mention of my parents was something that kept me thinking about them,
No matter what none of them were suppose to say anything about them when they don't know who they were even I myself don't know anything about them .
I closed my eyes to control my tears which were going to come out and stood up to get fresh ,

I was going to step into my kitchen to clean it but my phone caught my attention and I thought to check it ,

Dear customer you have 20 missed calls from Mr Singhania,

I remember when he called me last night but I was slightly drunk so I didn't picked up but 20 missed calls?
I was going to diall his number but something stoped me .

He must have called me to give warning about what happened yesterday or to give some punishment.
Something's which were written by them weren't even wrong, why do I treat him different now he is same,
We were so fine before we use to talk and it will be good if that continues, after all Mr Advik Singhania is a playboy only ! And i have to accept the fact that there's is something I have started feeling around him there's something in him that keeps me look at him . I am just going out of my track knowing that what results can be !

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