Chapter 22: Revelations

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I drive to Anika's office. It was once my office too but today I'm gonna end any connection I had with that office. I wish I could end the memories I made in them too but I can't. What I can do is, escape those memories, escape my past and escape anything connected to her. This office is where it all started. I wish I had never gone to that interview. I wish I never went to that bar where we first met. 
The office is half lit. Most of the staff have already left. I walk towards Anika's cabin and stop. Through a small glass window on the door, I notice Helena inside with Anika. The sight boils my blood. 

Anika's POV: 

"So did you make your decision, Anika?" 
"Yes. I'm ready to go with you"
"Nice. It took you some time to decide. But I'm happy you made the right choice. I'm gonna give you everything that you want and treat you the right way"

I walk closer to her and lean in closer to her ears and whisper, "Would you let me fuck you for all the times you hurt me"
"I like this new you. I would love to see how well you can fuck", she replied. 
"Bend over the table, Helena", I command. 
She coyly walks to the table and bends over. I unbuckle my belt and wrap it around her neck as a leash and pull. 

Riya's POV: 
I thought I would be able to talk to her sanely, and end everything for good. I shouldn't peek into her private affairs. I wanna reduce her hold on me but I feel like choking seeing her getting ready to fuck Helena, in the same place where we once made love everyday. The pain starts clouding my vision with tears. I take a few steps back and use a hand to cover my mouth so that she can't hear me. Even though I believed everything was already over, I still had a small hope that maybe everything was a nightmare and she would stop me and she would come back and maybe everything was just a misunderstanding. But I could feel that last hope fade away with the tear that fell down my chin.  I start walking away from her cabin. The place which once felt like paradise was now my hell.

Anika's POV: 

"I love games-", I pull harder and she chokes at the last word.
She start coughing as the leash tightens. She wants to say something but isn't able to speak. I enjoy the sight to the fullest. I enjoy as I see her eyes widen. I enjoy as I see her suffer, begging to let her breathe. 
I wrap the end of the belt around my palm and pull her towards me. I whisper, "You thought I wouldn't find out that you had contacts with Raghav. You know, social media is a very dangerous place. You can find out everything about someone in a few minutes. You were the one who sent Raghav. You were the one who tried to set Riya up. You tried to ruin everything. 
You know, I would have let you go if you would only messed with me. But you made Raghav force himself on Riya. You tried to hurt the person who was my everything. Now I'm going to take away everything from you infront of your eyes. Raghav is your cousin isn't he? You know, I have a present for you. See that box on the table? Open it"
She reaches for the box while suffering and opens it. She drops it out of horror. A piece of a cut lips fall out of the box. Tears roll down her eyes. 
She wants to scream but her voice has been choked. Her eyes are about to close. She is panting and struggling to loosen the belt around her neck. 
Suddenly, I hear the noise of a vase breaking and light footsteps of someone running away. Something tells me its Riya. I know the sound of her steps well. I know her smell. I know what her presence feels like. Even if I can't see her, I know when she is around. I realised she was watching me. 
I pull the belt as hard I possibly can and Helena's neck snaps. She falls to the ground. I bend down and check her pulse and make sure she is dead.

I follow Riya's footsteps outside and even up on street where its raining heavily. Riya is nowhere to be seen. I run down the lane looking for her. She couldn't have gone too far. It's not good for her to walk alone in the road in such whether. God knows what's going on inside her mind. I need to find her. 

I end up running till the park and feel exhausted. As I stop to take a breath, I notice her sitting on the bench alone completely drenched. I walk towards her and sit beside her. 
"Why are you here", she asks, her voice completely broken. 
I look at her. She is looking down as I see tears in her eyes even though her face is completely expressionless. I see the resignation letter in her hand. I can't see her this way. I hug her tightly.
"I love you", as soon as I finish whispering these 3 words, she breaks down and hugs me tighter and cries in my arms.

I don't know how long we stayed in that position. But now that she is finally in my arms I wouldn't ever wanna let her go again. I felt like myself again after a long while. I felt like I found my soul, my emotions and my heart back. Even though I was breathing till now, I never felt so alive. It was a huge relief when I finally said these words to her without any guilt or hesitation, without having to worry about anything else. I know that nothing can break us apart now. I am ready to die for her and kill for her too. I lift up her face and kiss her. Her lips taste so sweet. As our tongues wrap each other, we both smile and break down into a crying mess under the rain. 


This is the second last chapter guys. Thank you for sticking with me till the end. Please leave your comments and votes. They really motivate me. Next chapter is gonna be smut. Also follow me on instagram - roshniscorner to watch reels and get updates on upcoming stories. Thank you for all the love and helping me complete 5k reads and also becoming the #1 in lgbtpride criteria. I never thought I would reach this milestone. This was my first story and started writing it as a recreation and stress buster but you guys really made my day. Love you all!

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