Chapter 16 : Trust Issues

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Riya's POV:
I hear someone opening the door. I quickly close the journal and keep it back on the table and go and sit on the bed. I somehow manage to hold back the tear in my eyes. Anika walks towards me and stops. "Is something wrong?" , she enquires. I am not able to look into her eyes because I'm too afraid of the possibility of her knowing that I looked into her private memories without her permission.
She looks around and notices the photograph lying beside the journal instead of being inbetween its pages. "You touched my journal, didn't you?" , she says with a calm but scary tone. "Im... sorry", I reply mortified.
"I wish you just asked me, once atleast", she asserted, her voice breaking at the last word.
I look up at her. Tears are visible in my eyes. "I'm really sorry. I didn't wanna pry into your belongings but I noticed the picture and...."
"And what? You thought I'm cheating on you with her?", she asks while drawing her eyebrows together, with a frown on her lips.
" No... ", I didnt know what else to say.
"Did reading my journal make it better for you?", she asks while trying not to raise her tone even though she seems extremely pissed.
"No... ", my voice breaks.
There's and awkward but piercing silence in between us which draws a dagger through my heart as each moment passes by.
She walks to the table , picks up her journal and walks towards me.
"I wish you asked me once what's going on. I would have told you everything truthfully, eventually. But if you trust this old journal more, take it, read it, I won't stop you. I need some time. You know, I decided to come home from work and ask you about all the things that was making you insecure. I wanted to comfort you and reassure you. But I guess you were too impatient to wait for me".
"I'm really sorry... I don't need your journal. Just please... don't leave me alone", tears roll down my cheeks.
"Riya, I don't hate you. I just need sometime. Please don't cry. I need to clear some things in my mind. I will get back to you. But till then if you want to know my past, then I won't stop you. Just remember you are the only person who is ever gonna know about my past. For now, please go home. I just want you to know, I dont care or think about my past anymore. Nor does it hold any weightage in my life anymore. But I know that if I dismiss this topic here then you would always be insecure and curious and I want to be completely open with you".
I burst out in tears. Anika doesn't look at me. She walks away and goes to the washroom to take a bath. I pick up the journal , contemplating whether I should read it or not. I hate my curiosity. But if I have come this far then I wanna know how everything ended and I wanna know her better to treat her better. I pick up the journal and leave , sobbing.

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