9. Middle Ground

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König's kindness earns him some browny points. Let's see what Andrea does.


That night during dinner, Andrea is in a much better mood and back to joking with the men. The tension in the air is gone and has everyone feeling much more comfortable.

It's the usual jokes and banter between everyone, something that König isn't entirely happy about since he disapproves of some of the topics. His mood doesn't escape the General, so she decides to interject.

"Boys, pull back a bit. Don't you know it is rude to say such things in front of a lady such as myself?" She chastises playfully, keeping the atmosphere light and fun.

The fact that she can so easily get the men to mellow out annoyes him. How the hell does she manage to do it in such an effective way without just strait-up telling them to shut up? It's something he can't understand but secretly admires. 

"You are impossible to understand. Why must you have such a way with words?" He mutters to himself. 

The members of both teams are still laughing at Andrea's playful nature and her ability to de-escate the situation. After a moment, he speaks up, effectively causing everone else to shut up since they want to hear what he's gonna say. "... I am beginning to think that it is better not to start with you. The effort is nulled by your charm."

That gets her to smile and chuckle. "See, boys, he is learning." 

Laughter erupts all over as König just shakes his head. He stares at her and she can almost see the wheels spinning in his head as he tries to figure out a suitable response.

"Wait, hold up. I think we are about to witness a miracle. The Colenel looks like he's gonna try having fun."

Everyone looks at König with a curious glance. Is he really gonna try an bannter with her? Willingly?

"You are truly a menace to society... and I look forward to seeing you rule it."

The team members seem to laugh at his reply and they high five eachother as they congratulate him on his comeback.

"Not bad for your first try." Andrea praises.

He seems to be trying to keep himself composed as the men laugh and pat him on the shoulder before they return to eating and continuing the conversation.

A quick look at the clock, and Andrea leaves her seat. "Alright, Mommy is heading off to bed. You men behave, or else I let Daddy make you run laps till you drop." She gestures to König seeing as she's left him in charge of training ever since that first day.

The teams snicker and a couple of people nod their heads at her words. They all then glance over at the Colonel to see his reaction. After a few seconds he speaks up, his voice hard and stoic. "I will make sure they abide by your orders."

"Aw, how nice. Daddy is gonna put you all to bed so that Mommy can rest." She teases as she walks off.

The teams bursts out laughing at her comment. König just stares at her as she walks away. His body language seems to soften ever so softly as amusement washes over him. 

For the second time that night, he tries to play along. "... You are impossible... but I will allow it... I will make sure they behave... just like a good father should... Damn it..."

She tries very hard not to laugh as he speaks, managing to speak with a semi-level tone of voice. "I think I finally broke him, boys."

The men respond with laughter and more high fives and they applaud their commanders' performances.

For as much as he wants to remain tough, he can't help but chuckle for once. "... I hate you... All of you."

"Love you, too!" She shouts shout back, finally heading to her room.

He smiles softly under his mask and mutters under his breath. "Damn it all..."




Once again, König enters their shared room to the sight of Andrea in the hated basketball shorts. Instead of a hoodie, though, she's in an oversized shirt. It's easy enough to tell that he's debating on whether he should say something or just leave her alone.

"Do we really want to have this debate again?" She asks, not looking up from a new file.

He takes a deep breath before speaking, clear annoyance in his tone. "... You know why I do not approve of your outfit."

She puts the file down and looks at him with an exasperted look. "What do you suggest?"

He stares at her for a second longer before answering. "I suggest you put on some appropriate slumber attire. It is indecent to be dressed in such revealing pieces of clothing."

Not wanting to have this argument, she heads to her dresser and grabs a pair of sweatpants before locking herself in the bathroom. She emerges a minute later. "Happy?" She sure as hell isn't.

Konig's eyes widen as she actually changes. His expression softens and he swallows hard before replying.

"... Yes. Thank you for obliging me."

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes and goes back to the sofa bed. Not bothering to go back to her files, she waits for him to get ready for bed before shutting off the lights.

He waits for the usual 'good night, love' that has become routine ever since getting here, but it never comes. It's not like he likes it or anything, but it unusual for her to not get in her one last tease for the night. He lifts his head to look at the bane of his existence.

She's spread out on the sofa bed without her blankets. It almost looks like she's hot and trying to cool down. Strange.

He checks the temperature of the room and sees that it's 68 degrees. It's not even hot. Throughout the night, he can hear her waking up a few times, huffing and flipping over her pillow towards the cool side. 

It's all strange. Better yet, everything about her is strange. Her playful character, the fact that she doesn't care for her rank, how easily she is able to get people around her to relax and enjoy themselves.

As he lays in bed, König comes to a conclusion. It's about time I got some answers.


I'm pretty sure you can all guess why it is that Andrea is burning up. This one is for my girlies that overheat easily when sleeping. Believe me, you're not alone. Comment below!

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