8. Mission Time

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Oooh, look, it's another forced proximity trope. I just love those. Also, angry Andrea.


The teams have been getting along swimingly. They look more like a single team than 2 combined groups. Andrea and König don't get into their usual tiffs as much, both distracted with actual work, but they still find ways to get at each other.

Early one morning, 3 days into their collaboration, word comes from the chain of command about an immediate mission that needs to be carried out. It pisses Andrea off because she already has enough on her plate and doesn't need a surprise mission thrown in.

Everybody meets in the briefing room, curious as to what the hell is going on. Andrea leans her arms against the table looking very, very, angry. Even her men seem a bit scared and don't say a thing.

"... our orders are to execute this mission within the next 8 hours." She starts off, her voice low and borderline deadly. "Our objective is to retrieve stolen documents. It's a 6 person mission seeing as back-up will be needed with how heavy security is."

König watches her with rapt attention. Her silent rage is something that makes him excited. He knows what she's capable of, and the idea of seeing her lose control is enticing. Should he be thinking about that during the debrief? Obviously not, but damn it, seeing her angry just makes him feel some sort of way.

"Two personel from my team and 2 from König's. Both the Colonel and I will be on the team. Death, Angel, you're with me." She then turns to the KorTac members. "I need the 2 quietest of you men. I'm planning for the worst and hoping for the best. If everything goes well, we won't need to fight much. Easy in and out. If shit hits the fan, I'm gonna need your brute strength to help get us through."

König points at two men and they both nod.

"Good. Here's the plan..."




Footsteps are heard running down after the General and Colonel. Andrea quickly pulls him into a supply closet barely big enough for the two of them. Her breathing's ragged while pressed up against him, trying to stay quiet and avoid getting the two of them caught. König's trying not to react to the woman currently panting against his chest.

The mission was supposed to be simple. Three easy stages to ensure an easy in and out. Two men, one from each team, would be outside the enemy building and keeping watch. Another duo would be halfway into the building, there in case the last duo needed backup after retrieving the documents.

Of course, though, it couldn't have been that simple. König and Andrea were cut off from the other duo, outnumbered. Their best bet is to hide and prepare for a shoot-out. The minutes stretch as they wait for the soldiers chasing them to run by. 

Under different circumstances, she'd crack a few jokes about their predicament. This isn't that, though, and she's completely focused on the mission. Both of them breathe heavily, catching their breath and knowing they could be found any minute if anyone is smart enought to check the supply closet. After the hall outside the door goes quiet, they sigh in relief. Knowing what needs to be done, she checks her gun and turns to the Colonel.

"Aim to kill, not neutralize. I'm not going to deal with this bull-shit of a mission any longer. We're gonna muscle our way out of this." She orders before speaking into her comms to the duos. "Paint the walls red."

That's all she says before glancing at König and sneaking out the door. The second they run into enemy soldiers, the show starts. It's a deadly dance between them. Andrea is graceful, flawless in her aim and keeping others from approaching and over-whelming the two. 

König is a beast. He's an extractions specialist, so he definitely has plenty of experience fighting his way out. Unfriendlies drop left and right. 

Someone tries to sneak up behind him and she manages to shoot them down before they reach him. The Colonel stares at her for a second before turning back to his massacre. The second it's clear enough for them to make a run for it, they dash away. The other 2 duos had cleared a path for them from their respective positions and meet up with them outside.

"To the extraction point, now!" She orders harshly, running straight to where the helicopter is waiting for them.

They all make it there in one piece, save for a few scratches and bruises. "Everyone ok?" She asks.

"All good, General." Angel and Death respond. The KorTac soldiers also nod, being fine. König grunts in response, nodding as well.

Andrea sighs, glad that everything is now over, and relaxes into her seat before wincing slightly.

"You alright, ma'am?" Angel asks. The others look at her, also curious.

"I'm fine, just a bit bruised." She touches her shoulder and feels a scratch. When she pulls her hand away, she notices blood on it. With a sigh, she reaches into her gear and pulls out some gauze rolls to wrap up the injury.

"Here, let me help." Death says, holding his hand out for the gauze.

König watches as the man helps her tend to her injuries. He can't help but not like it. She's hurt, which he already doesn't like, and another man is helping her. He can't do anything about it, though, and simply makes sure that Death does it correctly.

"That should do." Death says, patting the bandage lightly. Andrea rolls her shoulder to test it out.





The soldiers go to clean up after the mission since not a single one of them is absent of blood or dirt. Andrea, on the other hand, heads to her office, needing to fill out a few things before she can even think about cleaning up.

A knock on her door has her breaking out of her concentration. König stands in her door way, freshly washed and in clean clothes, his arms crossed. She's definitely lost track of time. "You need to get washed up."

Not in the mood for a funny retort, she speaks plainly. "I'll get to it."

He narrows his eyes at her before walking up to her desk and slowly pulling the files away from her. If looks could kill...

"What do you think you are doing?" Angry Andrea. Very angry.

He's a bit nervous but he has to admit that he still finds her angry side to be incredibely enticing. "The files won't run away. Go."

She's five seconds away from taking out her pent-up frustrations on him. 

He'd make a good punching bag. She thinks. 

Instead of giving in, though, she takes a deep breath and stands. "Next time you pull that shit, I'm beating your ass, love." For once, the pet name is sarcastic as hell. He doesn't know how to feel about it as she walks out.

She comes back half an hour later and freezes the moment she reaches the open office door. 

There's König. 

With her files. 

"What are you doing?" She's more confused than anything else.

He looks up at her and sets down the files. "Helping."

Now she's even more confused. "Why?"

"You've had a lot on your plate. I know how to do this."

She stares at him for a second, shocked at his kindness. "... thanks."

He nods and leaves the files on the desk before getting up. "Feel free to review them, but they should be good."

Andrea is still trying to process the fact that he was actually helping her. He leaves her office wordlessly, leaving her to her finished work.

What the hell? Since when does he go out of his way for me?


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