11. L Is For The Way You *Look At Me*

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In case the title wasn't enough of a hint, this is the point in the story where König realises that what he's looking at is the object of his attraction. Said object knocks him off his feet.


König's in the training room, going at it with a punching bag. His mind was still reeling and he needed a way to straighten out his thoughts. 

*jab*Someone like her should be hard and cold. *punch*She shouldn't care about others. *swing* How did she break the pattern? *jab*She's accepting of others. 

His mind wanders to all their past interactions. Never once had Andrea been actually mean to him. Save for when she was stressed the other day, she's only ever been kind and playful. Not only that, her whole team seems to have adopted her behaviour.

She's not all play, either. The way she acted during the mission is more than enough evidence for that. She's skilled, not just in hand-to-hand combat, but with a weapon. He can't understand how someone who grew up the way she did just decides to be so... her.

The punching bag is getting a pretty good beating from him by this point, swinging back and forth on its hinges heavily. He's so lost in his fighting that he doesn't even notice he's no longer alone in the training room.

Now, you'd think that after being on this base for 5 days, König would have seen the General training. He hasn't been that lucky, though. She doesn't train with her men and is normally too busy with paperwork and running the base to have a set schedule. So when he finally registers the sound of punches and turns around, the last thing he expected to see was Andrea.

And in those damn shorts.

"Scheiße..." He groans softly.

(Translation: Fuck )

He watches her go to town on the punching dummy and can't help but analyze her fighting style. She's practicing lethal blows and lethal blows only. The best part? She's raised the dummy so that it towers over her by a good foot. Not as tall as himself, but still tall enough for her to be able to have no issue with an emeny soldier that's 6'6. She hasn't even broken a sweat, yet. 

The dummy shakes and moves as she uses it. She swings her leg around and delivers a devastating blow to the dummy's side, causing it to actually fall over.

No wonder she had no trouble with me... He thought to himself, realizing that she really could have killed him if she wanted to.

Now that the dummy is down, he approaches her. "I've never seen you train, before."

Andrea notices the Colonel behind her and huffs a small laugh. "Yeah, I normally train whenever my work lets me. I'm lucky if I get to do this 3 times a week."

He nods in understanding. "What about grappling? The dummy isn't as good as a partner."

She lets out a sigh at that. "Yeah, but that's life. I make do how I can."

Bad idea alert. "You want to train with me?"

Her head turn to him so fast he's surprised it didn't snap. "You want to grappel with me?" She asks, clearly not believing the words that just came out of his mouth.

Definitely a bad idea. "Just so you can practice. Not like we haven't grappeled before." He shrugs, glad that his mask hides his slightly flustered state.

Her head tilts at him in confusion and amusement. "You mean on the field? When you were trying to take me in?"

He huffs and rolls his eyes, crossing his arm. "Do you want a partner to train with or not?"

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