- Chapter 19 -

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Patrick, the old man that had taken Rome and now the rest of the group, sits in a foldable chair as his group ties Desni and Nicholas together.

"This is not how I imagined being close to you," Desni mouths to Nicholas.

Theo is wincing as his shoulder begins to bleed as they tighten the rope to keep him up straight.

Emmanuella curses at them for doing so while Arabella is dazed in grief from losing Micheal.

"Arabella, hey, we're here okay?" Oliver says as they tie him up next to Emmanuella.

Rome spots Theo, not really seeing him amongst the group until now.

Theo looks at him at the same time,getting a familiar feeling towards his face.

"What's your name?" Rome asks him, "I haven't seen you around the group until now."

Theo tells him his name and asks what was his, squirming more as his shoulder is throbbing.

"Rome, Rome Collymore."

Theo's eyes bulge with confusion, frustration and betrayal.

"No, it can't be you," Theo shouts out.

Rome now rethinking this whole sacrificing thing, looks to the old man.

"Okay, this was dumb right? You can't really feed us to those things."

Nicholas intervened, "And what makes you think like that now? What changed?"

Rome looks to Theo then Nicholas, "He's my brother."

The group in unison "What!" with Nicholas adding,"How is that even possible?"

Rome looks to Theo while saying, "I was going to come back. I swear to you I was."

Theo shook his head, "I waited. I waited every night and you never did."

Rome was going to explain but the old man had one of his people cover his mouth with a dirty sock.

"Enough with the melodramatics, the beasts should be here any minute to shout your trappers up."

On cue, roaring noises sound throughout the Unknown City, having the creatures prowl out onto the street.

"There has to be something we can do! Anything!" Rome says spitting out the dirty sock.

Before the old man could answer, the creatures started to smell their scents in the air.

"Sorry, it's all in their claws now."

Patrick gathers his people and leaves not wanting to be their dessert.

Atlas, Silas and Aurelia make it over to where the group is but see a huge pack of creatures.

"So it was true," Atlas says, seeing Aurelia's group tied to light street poles.

"Shit, Shit, it's them! We need to go there fast!" Aurelia tells.

Silas counts how many then sighs heavily, "There's too many. We need something to distract them as Atlas camouflages and gets over to your group."

"I'll be the distraction," Aurelia sighs.

Silas shakes his head stopping Aurelia, "No, here," Silas hands her something to use to defend herself from the creatures besides the crossbow, "Go with Atlas and untie them, I'll do my best to get them away from you guys, enough to have them saved."

"What! No! That's stupid, Atlas needs your help, I don't even know how to use these things!"

Silas takes hold of Aurelia, "Listen for once. Just do what I said."

Running out to the creatures, Silas shouts out, "You don't want them, come and get me instead!"

The creatures hear Silas voice, catching his scent, then charge right at him, all ten of them.

Atlas runs over to the group camouflaging Aurelia and himself.

"Lia!" Desni says out of shock but relief.

"There is no time, we need to get you all of here right now!" Aurelia says, holding back her tears.

Arabella is still numb, she keeps quiet but she's the first to be untied.

"Arabella! Snap out of it!" Emmanuella screams as one creature is about to pounce on her.

"Wait, where is Micheal?" Aurelia asks.

Oliver shouts out, "He got killed by one of those things!"

Arabella hears what Oliver says and rage sprouts out of her making the creature yelp as she grabs it by the neck with her mind.

"You bastards!" She hollers out with tears streaming down.

Aurelia looks at Theo in disbelief telling him,"I'm glad you're still alive," then shouts to Atlas, "They are all untied! We need to go right now!"

Atlas nods, spotting Silas fighting off about three at a time, struggling as they claw his side and back.

"Come here you ugly things," Atlas says, running over slicing one's head with the machete he had attached to his cargo pants.

Silas heaves from exhaustion but finds time to check Aurelia, having Oliver notice and not liking it.

"You hurt? Are they okay?" Silas asks her.

Aurelia, without responding to him, hugs him and says,"Do you know that you're stupid?"

Silas smiles against her neck as she does, "I only did what was best for you and that was saving your people."

A creature is about to knawl into Silas until Aurelia uses her power to stop it, showing Oliver there might be a bond between them that he hasn't even created with her.

Rome cuts their moment short by saying, "Can we please get the hell out of here?"

Atlas is still killing off a few but nods, "Yeah just give–me–a–sec," He struggles saying as he has trouble getting one's claw out of his arm.

Silas helps, having Atlas pat his shoulder, "Thanks man," Then camouflages all of them back to the apartment complex.

The group looks in amazement at how well it's kept up as they enter like Aurelia had done before with Silas and Atlas.

"How many are here?" Desni is surprised at what Atlas had come up with, with so much room but little to nothing objects to make it cozy like he did with what was there.

Atlas shows Desni and Nicholas gets the same feeling Olive had when seeing Silas and Aurelia so close.

"Leave me alone alright! Just stop trying to coddle me!" Arabella shouts at Emmanuella as she helps Theo sit because of his shoulder.

Silas notices the wound and goes to get his special antidote that heals anything.

"Here," Silas goes to unwrap his shoulder but Oliver grabs Silas hand.

"We just met you. I don't think we can trust you just as fast as Lia did."

Silas looks up to Oliver then past his shoulder to Aurelia, "One, I'm Silas, two, don't touch me, three, Aurelia was hurt and my antidote helped."

Oliver lets go and turns to Aurelia, "Why does he keep saying your name is Aurelia and not Lia?"

Aurelia, feeling on the spot, knowing it was one thing she let Silas know and not Oliver out of vulnerability, just looks at him without saying anything.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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