- Chapter 11 -

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Arabella's POV

I look at Lily, "Why does everyone act weirded out by me?" I say to Lily but she's not there after I finish my sentence.

Maybe something is wrong with me but no, I'm fine. They're the mental ones for thinking I'm weird.

I looked at Theo who is following behind Emmanuella, leaving me by myself since Lily is gone too.

This is what it was like then too.


I woke up hearing my parents yelling at each other downstairs, to see what was going on.

My mom was trying to keep her voice down but in reality she was shouting and my father said something along the lines of, "Then how about you tell her that she's mentally ill?" Then my mom said, "I didn't even want a daughter who is messed up in the head." My father looks at her in disgust and I speak up, "What's going on?" They both look at me like a deer in headlights, "How about you go back to your room, dear?" My mom said to me and I just looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"And pretend I didn't just hear you basically call me a mental case?"

My mom looks at me with an angry look on her face then says, "Because you are a mental case, Arabella."

I look at my father who hasn't said anything at all then I look back at my mom.

"I'm perfectly fine. You're the mental one." I say as my mom slaps me.

"How dare you disrespect me? I'm your mother!" She shouts at me.

"Then act like it." I say coldly to her face and walk back to my room.

"Get your ass back down here!" My mom shouts at me but I just ignore her and slam the door behind me. After a few minutes I hear a knock on my door "What do you want?" I say annoyed. "It's me," I hear my Father say as he opens the door. "You just let her speak to me like that? She called me a mental case!" He looks at me with a serious face, "Well she isn't wrong. She just worded it differently."

I look at him in disbelief, "I am not mental!" I shout at him.

"You have a mental disorder called Schizophrenia. You see and hear things that are not there." He says to me and I thought he was joking but he looks serious.

"What? I don't have whatever that is," I said but then my mom walks into my room and throws a bag on my bed. "What is that for?" I said looking at her with a confused look on my face. "Pack your bag and leave. I'm tired of the shit you pull under my house. I never wanted a kid who was unwell anyway." My mom says to me, my father looks at my mom confused. "We didn't agree on this, you can't just send her off by herself!" He says angrily at her. "She's fucked up in the head!" My mom says having them go back and forth, but I watch them argue as their yelling gets quieter and quieter to me as I zoned out.

I come back to reality after a while then realize they left my room and I have to pack my bags now. "I'm not even schizophrenic." I say to myself and start throwing a bunch of stuff in the bag then get dressed to get out of my pajamas. I then go downstairs just to see my mom in the kitchen drinking wine but then she looks at me, "Did you pack your bag?" She said coldly so I just nodded. "Then get out of my house." She said treating me like I'm some sort of monster and not her daughter.

I go back to my room and put my shoes on then grab my bag swinging it over my shoulder.

Leaving, I walked downstairs and headed to the front door but then I stopped as my mom said, "Leave already, I don't want you here any longer." I looked at her looking for my father saying, "Where's da-" But she cut me off, "Just leave." I rolled my eyes, turning back to the door.

I open it and walk out of the house, closing the door behind me.

End of flashback 

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