- Chapter 14 -

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20 mins earlier

Nicholas POV

As we were arguing with Rome his phone rang. I looked at Oliver skeptically then back at Rome and said, "Who's that?" He looked at us and said,"That could be the creatures trying to lure us with some type of signal. I will go by my shack and see if I can get a better look at how many are around," Turning he sees us are about to say something so he suggests we come along. "It's not too far," He motions us to follow but Oliver stops me for a sec. "He's being too open about it, should we really follow him?" I look at Oliver then respond,"Yes, I have a plan." Oliver nods, trusting I know what I'm doing as Rome starts to walk off into the island's jungle.

"So, do you think he's gonna kill us now or there?" I say sarcastically to Oliver.

Oliver shook his head saying, "I don't know but if he doesn't I know those scary ass monsters will."

"Good point"

Olive keeps looking ahead as Rome tilts his head back just to hear what we're talking about.

Oliver says slowly, "What do you think the call was about? Do you think he really knows more than what he is showing?"

"I mean, look at him. He looks innocent but we both know there's something behind that."

Rome shouts out, "Look it's just up ahead over there!"

Both Oliver and I stretch our necks to see and when we do Rome tries to have us go in.

"Do you see anything?" Rome asks dumbly.

I look at Rome closely to see that one of his hands is behind him and I see a part of a weapon shining through his grasp.

"Watch out!" I shout to Oliver.

Oliver ducks and grabs whatever Rome had in his hand, throwing it onto the ground and body slamming Rome to the shack's door.

"You sneaky bastard."

Rome struggles in Oliver's grip saying, "Do you use steroids? Why are you so fucking strong?"

Oliver slams Rome into the door again having him shut up while I come closer to see what his shack was.

"Any danger other than the one I'm holding right now," Oliver asks me.

"Fuck Oliver, come look at this. Tie that crap up right now, you need to see this."

Oliver opens the shack door, seeing it being more than just a shack.

"You really know how to charm us guys huh?" Oliver takes hold of some rope that's there and sits Rome down, tying him tight to it while stuffing his mouth with a shirt.

"Look at all these monitors! Wait, this is where we were sitting!"

Oliver getting ready to look, Desni bursts open the door while holding a pale looking Theo with the rest of the group behind her.

Arabella says, "Why do I feel like Alfred the butler is going to come out and greet us?"

Micheal turns to Arabella saying, "I thought I was the only one thinking that."

Desni not having it says, "Right now isn't the time to joke around. We have to find a way to patch Theo up before his wound gets infected or worse."

Arabella has the last word saying, "Yeah, more like amputate."

"Uhm, guys? What is happening?"

Oliver keeps looking wide-eyed at a bleeding Theo with his shoulder blade almost completely out of his body.

Desni pushes us, placing Theo down on the metal laboratory table that's there with these weird tubes of orange substances.

"Stop staring and actually hold him down," Desni commands as she rolls up her sleeves and is getting ready to take more of his pain away.

Oliver gulps, getting the image of when he found his father at the school.

"Theo, keep your eyes open," Desni says.

Rome, finding a way to get the rope to loosen, sneaks out to make a call only to be knocked out by Micheal who took a tree log using super strength, to Rome's face.

Arabella's POV

Seeing Micheal take Rome out, I keep looking back to Theo then an unconscious Rome.

"Did you just play baseball with his face?"

Micheal nods happily while admiring his knockout strategy.

Making me turn, Theo yells out in pain.

"Desni, are you taking the pain or causing more?" I say defensively.

Desni cuts her eyes at me as sweat starts to pour down her temples, embodying the pain Theo is going through.

"I'm doing my best here," She says while now having Emanuella grab what she can find to clean his shoulder and bandage it up.

Theo slips into a short induced coma as Desni takes the last of his pain, inflicting it onto herself emotionally and mentally.

"Can you even handle all that? Won't you combust with emotions?" Oliver says keeping an eye out as Rome is still lying on the floor with Micheal holding the tree log still.

I look at Oliver then I see Lily appear beside him, showing up at the worst time possible.

"He's hurt. He's hurt because of you." Lily says to me.

I shake my head, "No...It was Lia's."

Lily shakes her head too saying,"They were right about you. You're a mental case."

Everyone starts to look at me as I repeat what Lily is saying, almost as we were the same person.

To me we weren't but to the others, that's exactly what it was.

I was mimicking my own thoughts without even knowing.

"Mental Case! Mental Case!" I scream out to myself having Desni reach out but I snap out of it and push her away.

"Don't touch me. I'm fine." I feel my skin from my face sliding off so I cover it with my hands until it feels normal again.

Micheal tries to calm me down this time but I push him away too.

"Stop. Don't treat me like them. Treat me like my best friend."

Going back to Theo, everyone besides Micheal stares at me crazily as I just literally had a moment without any recognition that I did.

Desni sits down feeling the effects of everything she had just taken in, looking over I was about to say something until Theo wakes slowly grabbing my hand.

"D-Don't go," He says slowly, having me nod and hold his hand back reassuring that I wouldn't.

Oliver looks over at the monitors as it has the words, "Project: The Unknown City" Italicized.

"Guys, what do you think this is? Where could it be?"

Desni takes a look and as she does everyone turns to see, not noticing Lia slip out into an underground sewage system leading to that exact place they're all looking at.

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