- Chapter 5 -

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Emmanuella's POV

I played with my pen, rolling it around my fingers expertly. It was a cool trick Estella my dead twin had taught me. The class just started but I'm already bored out of my mind. I watched the teacher's lips move but I couldn't hear anything she was saying and I wasn't interested in listening anyways. I raised my hand up, drawing her attention to me.

"Yes, Miss Hansley?" The teacher asked. We all knew that was a formality, she was used to me always leaving her class to go "pee".

"Can I go use the bathroom?" I asked her sweetly.

She sighed and stared at me with an expression that looked like defeat.

"You always take excu-"

"I really need to go," I interrupted her. She sighed once again and excused me. I left the boring classroom, taking my sweet time to get to the bathroom. The hallway was empty, and everyone was already in their classrooms except one kid. He had shaggy brown hair that framed his forehead. He looked young, younger than me anyways. He was busy taking something out of what I assumed was his locker. Having nothing else to do, I go up to him and smile.

"Hey," I greeted. He glanced at me and nodded in response, staring at me in confusion.

"Watcha doing out here? Shouldn't you be in class?" I questioned. He just stared at me, not bothering to respond.

"You know, it's rude to just stare when someone's talking to you," He still didn't respond.

I was well aware of how strange this was, walking up to a random stranger and trying to start a conversation.

"I'm Emmanuella but you can call me Nuella," he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a loud explosion.

He stood up straighter.

"What was that?" I heard the sound of footsteps and saw two brunettes talking.

"Keep the kids in and have them conjoin with yours, I'm going to find the principal," One of them said while making her way towards the principal's office.

They didn't seem to notice us.

"Come on," I grabbed the boy's hand, pulling him towards the exit when another explosion went out.

This time, it was closer to the school. The smell of smoke was thick in the air.

The hallway was getting crowded now, with students running around in panic. I held the boy's hand, leading him towards the exit where we found one of the brunette girls from earlier with two other kids. They were making their way towards the woods so we joined them. All around us were dead bodies, bodies of people who were alive just minutes ago, people who made their way outside before we did.

We ran for a while before we noticed a creature approaching us. It wasn't human.

My breathing increased and I froze, the others stopping as I did, "What the hell?" I whispered, staring at it in fear. It was getting closer, too close for comfort. I panicked and did the first thing that came to my mind. I ran. I could hear someone follow me from behind but I was too terrified to care. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me till I got to a lake of some sort. I stopped, giving the person an opportunity to catch up with me. It was the boy from earlier. Not thinking, I grabbed his arm and jumped into the water.

I started to swim off when I noticed the flailing behind me and then the realization hit me, he couldn't swim. I panicked and went back to help him but it was already too late. He had submerged in the water. "Where are you?!" I yelled in panic, looking around for him. I held my breath and dived into the water, searching for him. I saw him sinking not far from me and swam to him, wrapping my arms around him, I swam to the surface, gasping for air.

The realization of our situation hit me. All around me was water. I couldn't swim away with him unconscious in my arms and I couldn't let him die either.

I raked through my head, trying to come up with an idea when I started to feel tingly. It started from my toes, it spread up to my head, making me feel light, almost like I was floating. It lasted for a second and all too soon, I crashed onto the hard ground. I suddenly felt weak, too weak to be bothered about the fact that I was somehow on land while just a second ago, I was in a lake. I noticed the boy was still unconscious and I tried to reach out to him but I couldn't in my weak state.

My eyes became droopy and I blacked out.

Oliver's POV

Coughing up water from jumping into the large body of water I found while being chased by some ugly rock creature, I see two bodies lying a few feet away from me.

Taking in where I am, I noticed it's some type of beach? Island?

I get up about to check on the bodies but hear rustling from the palm-like trees behind me.

"Hello?" I say already disoriented from being almost washed away from the lake water.

Moving closer to the bodies, I see they're two kids, one girl and the other a boy.

Crouching down I try to shake them awake but they're out cold.

"God, please help me get them out of here before I get eaten by whatever is making noise," I say, talking out loud while trying to get the two kids up from the ground.

Dragging their bodies, I put them against a tree listening for where the sound is coming from.

"You guys are going to have to bear with me," I talk to the two as if they're awake and try to find something to defend myself and them for whatever is coming.

Finding a large tree branch, sharpened at the tip, I prayed it would be enough until the noise got closer and it was actual people.

"How–who are you?" I asked defiantly, unsure if I could trust them and then see Lia amongst them.

"Who the hell are you and who are those people?" A young girl says.

"Oliver Adkins, principal's son. As for those two, I don't know. I found them lying on the ground when I woke up."

The young girl looks past my shoulder then squints her eyes but answers with, "I'm Arabella and I think I might know who the girl is," Making me turn not so sure what she's talking about but I turn back seeing another male dust himself from the sand on the back of his clothes and head.

"Wait–Nicholas?" I say in disbelief but relieved.

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