(025) "gluck gluck 9000"

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- ۪۪̥˚┊❛gluck gluck 9000❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌
s2 : e4 legs open hearts broken


"SASHA HAS FALLEN behind Spider who now sits in the lead." Zoe announces from the front of the bus, Spider shouting as he leans over to rattle Missy and Sasha's seats in front of me.

Coming on camp had seemed like a good idea weeks ago but now I was quickly regretting it. Being trapped in a small space with people I wasn't keen on talking to wasn't my idea of fun at the moment but I had somehow been persuaded to come.

I roll my eyes at Spider as he starts to wind up Sasha and Missy instead I turn to Malakai and Rowan sitting on the seats opposite me. I wasn't sure exactly what had happened between the two of them but the smile on his face as he walked through the gates this morning still remained and I was happy for him.

"Okay people, let's all remember to practice safe sex this school camp." Sasha tells everyone as she stands from her seat and starts to hand out condoms. Passing a few my way I laugh as I find a picture of her face on the packaging. "We won't want another monkeypox outbreak, yeah?" She tells Ant and Spider as she passes them both a handful.

Spider stands up from his seat his arm knocking against mine. "What?" I ask him, watching as he motions over towards Missy in the seat in front of me. I shrug my shoulder still not sure what he's hinting at. As far as I knew the two of them hated one another and it didn't seem as though that was going to change any time soon.

"Just let me swap for a minute Ki." He asks me but I quickly shake my head knowing that means I'll have to sit beside Ant. Things between us having become worse since the revelation of the notes. "C'mon Ki, it's not for long." He begs causing me to sigh as I stand up letting him fall onto my seat. I wasn't sure how I let him convince me. Part of me knew it was because he would keep asking until I eventually gave in but another part of me knew it was because it might give me the chance to speak to Ant.

His eyes meet mine, realising what has just happened. He moves further along the seat until he's beside the window, giving me the space to sit beside him. We remain in silence, I attempt to listen to Spider and Missy's conversation intrigued to know what he was so desperate to talk to her about but I stop as I feel his eyes burning into the side of my head. "Are we going to talk about it?" He asks me.

"I don't think right now is the best time for that Ant." I tell him shaking my head, my gaze remaining focused in front of me, knowing if I turned to look at him I wasn't sure how long it would be until I gave in.

"It's never gonna be the best time Ki." He tells me. I know he's right. What happened between him and Harper is never going to be a simple explanation that we can make up from. I need more than that. "Look I should have talked to you yesterday but I was annoyed about the whole thing. No one else was supposed to see that note." He says.

I turn to look at him, only to find him already staring straight back at me. "Even me?" I ask and it's thought a bubble surrounds us. The voices of everyone on the bus go quiet and it becomes just the two of us.

"I guess." He tells me, a sad expression lacing over his features. "Look, Ki, I want to sort this out. I don't want anyone else, I just want you and I want to give you the time to figure out if you still want me to." He admits before turning to face the window beside him.


"TO AVOID THE usual frenzy, we've decided to assign your cabins." Jojo announced as we all stand at the entrance to the camp, my duffle bag thrown over my shoulder as I look around me. "There aren't many-" She begins to tell us but is cut off.

are we still friends? [hbh]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz