(021) "you celibate b1tch"

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- ۪۪̥˚┊❛you celibate b1tch❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌
s2 : e2 SLTs vs C**LORDS


"GET OUT THERE and give them hell!" Amerie shouts as she stands on the crate looking down at us. Everyone cheers in response, attempting to overpower the cheers and shouts of the 'cumlords' behind us.

Missy leans against me as she stretches her legs the two of us looking over at the other team as they do the same. "If we don't win this Spider is never going to let me live it down." I tell her, watching as she nods her head in agreement.

"They're so no fucking way they're winning Ki." She tells me, the two of us stopping as we watch Malakai take off his red shirt and walk across to the other side of the field. Shit.

Running over and standing beside Ant, I roll my eyes as I listen to him and Spider speak to one another. "I oiled my self up in pigs fat. No one's gonna tackle me." He says, pulling the blue shirt off to show his shiny chest but my attention is on the bruises that still remain across his body.

A few whistles sound around the field from both of our teams as they notice but I ignore it. "It's not contact, you dickhead." Spider tells him, the two of them turning to me as they hear my laugh.

"Kila what the fuck? You told me it was contact!" He groans as Spider places his hand on Ant's skin, finding the oil left along his fingers.

"Smart move Ki. Do you not want anyone
to touch your man?" The blonde asks me as Ant throws his shirt back on, everyone moving to their positions on the field. Spider stopping in front of me, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Not my fault your teammates are gullible." I pat his shoulder watching as he rolls his eyes before walking away and stopping in the centre of the field.

As the game begins, Spider takes the first hit of the ball allowing for the cumlords to take possession of it, not taking them long to score first. The boys all celebrate with one another.

The game continues, with both teams scoring over and over again. Ant and I stand in front of the posts watching as Spider looks over our way, wanting to throw the ball to Ant. "Don't worry I'll take it easy on you Ki." He tells me, putting his arm in front of mine to block the pass but I roll my eyes watching as they get closer.

"What, like you did last night?" I ask him, his arm quickly falling from in front of me, as he turns my way and his attention moving away from the ball heading towards us. The ball leaves Spider's hands flying in our direction allowing for me to catch it and kick it through the posts. Both Missy and Amerie's arms throw themselves around my body, as our points now draw.

Watching Harper on the field, she stands to the side listening to the shouts from the boys and those watching. Insults being thrown her way. As the ball is thrown back in I watch as she runs for it, the ball heading Ant's way, who hasn't realised the girl running towards him, her expression laced with anger.

Her body meets his as she tackles him to the floor, the whistle blowing as she starts to hit him against the ground as she breaks down into sobs. I kneel down on the grass beside Spider as we look at Ant lying on the floor as he groans. "Fucking psycho." Spider shouts her way as Woodsy leads her off the pitch.

"Spider don't do that." I tell him as the two of us help Ant up off the ground, but he rolls his eyes ignoring me. It was clear what she had done was some sort of reaction, but his comments didn't often help to diffuse situations.

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