(010) "my good luck charm"

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- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛my good luck charm❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌
s1: e5 bin chicken


'TO PORN OR NOT to porn' I watch as Jojo writes the words on the chalkboard, a hand wraps itself around my thigh drawing small circles on the inner part of my leg.

After everything that happened over the weekend, I was still unsure how to feel about everything. First Malakai and then Ajay, it was all becoming too much.

"So we all agree that porn has given us unrealistic ideas." Ant leans back from his stool in front of me, his body leaning against mine allowing me to place my chin on the top of his head. "But is it all bad?"

"When you watch as much as Ant does." Dusty says from beside me, as quite laughs fill the room. Ants face turning into one of fake shock at his words. Spiders eyes dart between the two of us, a smirk growing on his face before he turns to face the rest of the class. "Nah our boys moved on from porn, isn't that right Kila?"

JoJo ignores his comment alongside the middle finger I stick up at him as she sarcastically laughs, "very funny."

"It can be helpful if you don't know what you like." Quinni says her hand shooting straight up at the front of the room. "Or who you like." Sasha continues, going onto explain how she found out she was into girls.

"I one-hundy percent figured out I was into girls by watching lesbian porn." Ant leans further into me so he's practically laying in my lap as Sasha continues to talk, only stopping to laugh when Spider makes a contribution to the conversation. "Omg me too."

My hands fall into his hair as I attempt to plait the short strings of it completly not paying attention to the discussion going on around us. "It must be hard, hey? Being jammed so far in the closer your practically in Narnia." As the words leave Darren's mouth the room breaks out into laughs while Spiders face turns red out of embarrassment.

From the table infront I watch as Missy raises her hand, "Miss I find porn a bit hectic, like Ki and I said the other day if that's what sex is supposed to look like I don't think I want it."

As the words leave her mouth I watch as Ants eyes dart up to look at me, his eyebrows raising in surprise. "Don't want it huh?" I cover his mouth with my hand not bothering to reply to him as I continue to listen.

"Yeah, Yeah agreed. It feels like it's all about getting a guy off." Amerie announced as hums sound out around the room but they stop once Spider makes another un useful contribution, "isn't it?"

"That's why I want to talk to you about pleasure. Specifically your pleasure." JoJo says from the front of the room moving us away from the conversation.

Ant sits up from his position on my lap, "isn't that like illegal Miss?" He questions her but she shakes her head, a laugh leaving her. "Yea I get why you think that Ant, because it feels scary. Right?"

"You know teenagers actually knowing what they want." As she says it voices sound out around the room announcing what they want but Ant brings them all to a stop when he mutters in front of me, "I want my Dad to be proud of me."

As sounds of sympathy leave everyone around us I lean forward so my lips are next to his ear, "I'm proud of you." As I say it a smile appears on his face, one lol that almost makes me feel warm inside.

"Learning to communicate with your sexual partners about what you want and desire is important." She says and I watch as Dusty goes still behind me, his eyes looking over at Harper for a moment.

I tap his arm causing him to look over at me as I mouth, 'you ok?'. He doesn't reply rather just nods in my direction as he looks straight back down at the table. "Sex doesn't have to be something that's painful, physically or emotionally, so let's try something this week, yeah?"

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