69."Abominable Miscarra"

Start from the beginning

The surroundings were eerily quiet, and our footsteps on the dead grass sounded loud. I extended my arm forward and made a chopping motion with my hand, signaling for us to halt. I pointed at the blue-painted door, but there were five heavily armed men guarding it.

Two of them were pacing back and forth, while the third stood still blocking any view. The fourth man was standing a few steps ahead, blowing smoke from a cigarette. I couldn't help but feel a sinister smirk spread across my lips as I found my first target for the day. I pointed at the mark, and my men nodded in agreement.

I signaled for Jason to take position behind the empty dock on the right side while Adam stood beside me. It was crucial that we take each of these men simultaneously, or else they would quickly detect us, I signaled Jason and Adam to wait for my signal I licked my lips and aimed the nuzzle of the gun at the man smoking,

And I mouthed now and pulled the trigger Jason and Adam shot too the bullet soundly holed on three men's foreheads and they fell on the ground in no time the two left who were pacing stopped horrified looking around frenetically but before they could utter anything Jason shot one on his chest and Adam shot another on the temple and the five were on the ground lifeless in no time,

"Fanculo! They are here...!" A man coming from the back of the warehouse screamed I cursed under my breath, "Dennis, now...!" I barked on the earbud and we emerged from the hiding spots shooting blindly at whoever came,

The cold wind whipped at my face the sound of screeching bullets mingled with our feet stamping on the muddy ground I could barely make out any of my men's voices amid the roars and grunts the limb-soulless bodies became the welcome mat on my feet as I proceeded ahead just a few feet away from my love, my angel...

The beads of hope danced across my skin saliva deserted my mouth as my feet neared the door crimson stains decorated the door my heart pounded like a wild drum, the rapid beats reverberating through my chest as adrenaline surged through my veins fueling me with anticipation to take a glimpse of my angel,

But the bastard swinging in front of my face came with a death wish that I granted I grabbed his throat his wide scared eyes fead the inner demon in me, I pierced the gun under his wide open mouth, and... the dark red blood splattered half on my face and in seconds he was gone...

I threw him and processed, I quickly wiped the blood off my face I couldn't afford to scare my angel she must have seen enough, "Az, Get in there now! This seemed to be a fucking trap! there were damn fewer guards than it should've been! there is something sore Az," Dennis's voice boomed in my head through earbuds, my stomach knotted the mere thought of her hurt left the bitter taste in my mouth knees almost bent to give out— but Fuck my life if I couldn't save my heart trapped in there,

The dread of losing her tried to crumble all the hope of reuniting with my Adira— Her sweet voice murmured in my head, 'The world revolves around trust and hope Hope for whatever bad is happening with us will end only happiness will remain.'

I inhaled deeply and motioned two of my men to position over each side of the door, I cocked my gun gripping it tight just as the rob under my ribs tugged my heart painfully with each passing second without seeing her face, I walked in with careful steps inside of the warehouse I coughed as the dust danced in the air and smell of sweat welcomed me first—

Until the dust settled my eyes captured black-suited men they were enough to outnumber us but I give no fucks because the next moment I saw Jasper emerging from them standing in the middle of them proud and unharmed something sinister roared in me to rip his skin off, cripple him and leave him with nothing but the wish of death—

"Hey there, brother! It's been too long since I last saw you. What brings you here?" A triumphant grin spread across his lips as my men swiftly cocked their weapons in his direction. He chuckled, shook his head, and tsked, "Aha..."

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