Chapter 260: Eventful (2)

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Just before the exhibition began, Cherry arrived at our mansion. Since I had informed people in advance that she would be coming, we were able to welcome her into the mansion without any difficulty.

Cherry was still in the form transformed by Cecily's magic, but her attire was more modest, resembling a young lady's. She wore a summer brown dress that complemented her current brown hair, with both arms exposed and the skirt falling gracefully to her knees. Despite wearing a plain dress, her overall appearance felt noble and elegant, thanks to her inherently supportive features.

Most notably, of course, was her chest, which naturally stood out due to its size, almost matching Cecily's. It was a part of her that couldn't be helped, in a sense.

Still, she was beautiful. As I looked at Cherry, who was fidgeting with her hands neatly clasped together, I sincerely complimented her.

"You look good."


Cherry giggled bashfully at my compliment. Although her pupils still remained dark, they seemed much brighter than before.

In fact, for her, attending the Xenon exhibition was almost like gambling. If she were caught, there would undoubtedly be an uproar in the Roseberry family.

Although she received a disguise spell from Cecily, she couldn't change her appearance entirely. Upon closer inspection, Cherry's unique characteristics were evident throughout.

From her slightly downturned eyes to her overall puppy-like impression, especially her dead pupils, was her most distinctive feature.

'But they probably won't notice easily.'

Just as people remember me as 'the redhead,' Cherry would likely be remembered the same way. Even if I were to disguise myself like Cherry, there would be plenty of people who wouldn't recognize me.

So, I'll do my best to help Cherry enjoy this exhibition as much as possible. It might be tough at first due to my role as a guide, but if I get some free time, I'll be sure to accompany Cherry right away.

'Leona said she'll handle things on her own...'

By the way, Leona has decided to enjoy the exhibition with her mother. Also I 'felt too busy' for her to ask that, or something like that.

Despite being the one who invited her, feeling sorry, I decided to compensate with money and various conveniences including attendance to the performances. The vivid image of her jumping around happily as soon as she received the money was clear in my mind.

At that moment, Leona's mother sharply rebuked, asking if she was being too materialistic. Leona herself seemed embarrassed, sticking out her tongue and scratching her head.

Anyway, the matter regarding Leona was easily resolved, and the remaining issue was Cherry. Since I'll have to guide her in the future, I need someone to accompany her.

"I'll wait."


"I'll wait until you come to find me, Senior."

Just as I was about to mention that there was someone suitable for the task, Cherry blurted out that she would wait first. I could only stare blankly upon hearing her words.

To wait for me at the mansion without even seeing the exhibited works. I couldn't fathom the meaning at all.

Was she really going to wait for me at the mansion until I had free time, or was there another meaning mixed in?

Blinking in bewilderment at Cherry's words, which revealed nothing of her inner thoughts, I cautiously asked.


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