Chapter 252: Vacation Again (4)

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After the unexpected encounter with Kate, I returned to my room to clean my hands. Returning to my room instead of the dormitory was a refreshing change, but meeting Lily was the priority. Therefore, after washing my hands, which I usually didn't spend more than 30 seconds on, meticulously for over 3 minutes, I walked straight to the lounge where Lily was waiting.

Perhaps Adelia would not only change her clothes but also thoroughly clean herself, so it might take a while. Until then, it seemed like a good idea to have a conversation with my mother.

"I'm back."

"You're back?"

Upon arriving at the lounge, mother greeted me. However, Lily, who was there just a moment ago, was nowhere to be seen.

Wondering where she might be, I glanced around, and suddenly, a white 'crib' that hadn't been visible before caught my eye.

It turned out Lily was there. As I took a step towards it, Lily, with wide-open eyes, was wriggling inside the crib.

My little sister, always cute no matter when. From the red hair to the golden eyes, she inherited everything.

Gently, I extended my index finger towards Lily's wide-open hands.


Lily, with a coo, reached out her hand and grabbed the tip of my finger with her tiny hand.

Why are you so small? The size difference is expected between a grown adult and a newborn baby, but it was enough to be harmful to the heart.


The cooing, once again harmful to the heart, was an added bonus. I smiled at Lily's determined grip on my hand, as if she wouldn't let go no matter what.

I had finally achieved the wish I had longed for so much. All that remained was for Lily to call me "oppa" (older brother).

At what age do children typically start speaking? It varies from person to person, but generally, I've heard that most children start talking around the age of 3. Some say they have a moment when they awaken to language.

It might be said that we have to wait at least three more years, but babies naturally grow up in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, they'll start crawling, and with another blink, they'll be walking energetically.

I slowly withdrew the hand that had been tightly held by Lily, looking into her golden eyes. As I did so, Lily's hand, which had been holding mine, naturally loosened, and she brought it to her mouth.

Her golden eyes, filled with intense curiosity, were looking at me intently. It seemed like Father and Mother were used to seeing our faces frequently, but I was not.

Mother, smiling softly at the two of us, spoke affectionately to Lily.

"Lily, do you see? This is your second brother, Isaac. He's also a world-famous Xenon's Biography writer."


Whether she understood or not, she responded with a coo. Hearing that sound, Mother and I both burst into laughter.

Then, surprisingly, Lily also smiled brightly. It seems to be true that babies have a habit of smiling when they see their parents' smiles. Going through the expected heartache was just part of the process. The pure smile of a baby seems to have an incredible power, almost enough to melt one's heart rather than causing pain.

"Imagine being born and finding out your older brother is a famous Xenon's Biography writer. Wonder how your mom feels about it."

"Yeah, really."

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