Chapter 249: Vacation Again (1)

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After hearing Adelia's offer to stay up late with her, my mind became hazy, but fortunately, I managed to recover. Until now, she had been focused solely on martial arts, so she hardly knew any euphemisms. Euphemisms are not something taught in books but rather acquired through interpersonal interactions, so it's an unavoidable aspect.

I can't blame her, as I, too, have no room to speak, having casually invited Marie for 'coffee' during the previous exhibition without knowing anything. Proposing to have coffee late at night was the equivalent of suggesting, 'Shall we eat instant noodles in our next life?' It meant the same thing.

Still, thanks to that, I've been enjoying happy days, and now I can laugh it off. However, I'll have to explain it to Adelia. I first asked her to provide detailed information about euphemisms. It seems that the situation arose because Marie only conveyed it vaguely to Adelia.

Once Adelia learns about euphemisms, she might complain to Marie, but that's a matter for later. It might be tough for her to look at my face for a while.

Regardless, some trivial incidents occurred, and I also informed Adelia about what to do during the exhibition. This includes the recent meeting with Hiriya. To prevent interference from the royal family or unnecessary actions from the Ters Kingdom, it might be possible to assign someone else. Just as Hiriya formally requested, if people from other countries make similar requests, that should be enough.

Nevertheless, even so, Adelia must stay by my side. I've somewhat relieved the trauma, but it hasn't been completely resolved.

Adelia was taken aback when she heard the story, but with her characteristic confident smile, she replied.

"With you around, I don't have any worries."

Touched by this, I responded with a deep kiss. However, her confident smile disappeared instantly, leaving only a bashful blush.

Adelia, not the usual dignified knight but now a woman, exuded an indescribable charm. Persecuting someone like her so much only intensified my resentment towards the Ters Kingdom.

After expressing affection to Adelia a few times and advising her on what to watch out for at the exhibition, I returned to the dormitory. Before going back, Adelia mimicked something she learned from a book.

While I am looking forward to the exhibition, the most anticipated moment is when Adelia, dressed in a maid outfit, appears. I briefly explained this to my mother in a letter.

So, the moment we return to the mansion, Adelia undergoes maid training while donning a maid outfit. As a bonus, she will likely receive martial arts training from my father, fulfilling the fantasy of a perfect combat maid.

In this fantasy world, combat maids actually exist. Since the conditions to become an exclusive maid are extremely stringent. Basic martial arts skills are a must, and being a secretary is also a requirement.

It can truly be considered the epitome of being both cultured and martial. Moreover, Adelia, being a royal-born despite being a bastard, received a high-level education, making it possible for her, but for the average commoner, it's incredibly challenging, almost like an impossible dream.

There probably isn't a more suitable job for Adelia.

'It feels strangely fitting.'

The meeting with Adelia was over, all that's left was to finish my work until the vacation comes.

The task of submitting exam questions was also done, so the assistant's work was almost over. I still had to stay in the research lab even after 5 o'clock because I had to do the grading as well.

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