Chapter 233: Spoilers (5)

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Due to an unexpected spoiler, people around me had fun teasing me, but it didn't change my daily life. During the weekdays, I performed the duties of a teaching assistant, essentially being Elena's slave and writing. On weekends, I spend time exercising with Adelia to improve my physical strength.

Especially after the last encounter with Nicole, the time spent with Adelia has increased. She seems happy but also appears burdened by it. She suggested it might be better to spend time with Marie or Cecily instead of herself, saying she's fine just exercising together on weekends, etc. It seems like she still belittles herself.

Of course, I ignored it all. Since Marie and Cecily said they could make concessions over the weekend, I was able to focus on Adelia during the weekends. Thanks to that, Adelia's face became brighter over time, and her characteristic confident smile returned. Every time I looked at her, I couldn't help but think that Adelia's smile warms the hearts of those who see it.

It was because of the pressure, not only from Nicole, that connected Adelia and me, but to say we have fully connected was a stretch. There's still a secret I haven't told her, and those around me advised caution about that matter.

Still, just being by my side, Adelia seemed happy, never losing her smile. I heard women in love are said to become childish, and perhaps reminding me of that, she continued to show cute behaviors one after another.

"Come on! Come on! Just once! Let's do it just once! Be strong!"


Right now, I was doing squats at Adelia's dormitory, receiving vigorous encouragement. On my shoulders, a noticeably heavy barbell was lifted, boasting a weight that required mana reinforcement for the body. Since my body can easily lift a sack weighing 100kg, you can guess how heavy it is by the effort I'm putting in.

Although I consistently train my lower body through squats, for some reason, Adelia was pushing me even more relentlessly than before.

Whether it's because I someday believe I have to contend with my own limits, or perhaps it's due to the increasing number of women around me, I don't know, but it feels like I'm tasting death. Still, it's better than truly dying in the midst of the night job. Moreover, even with the tremendous boost from Luminous, it was still unavoidable.

"Enough now!"



As soon as the words 'enough' came from Adelia, I threw my weight down as if it were a piece of luggage. It felt as the ground trembled slightly from its weight.

While I rested on the ground, Adelia approached me and took out a white handkerchief from her pocket to wipe away the sweat. It was a very meaningful handkerchief for Adelia, one I had given her when she was lost in despair during the exhibition.

With sky-blue eyes mixed with determination and warmth, she encouraged me as she looked at me.

"You did well. Take a 10-minute break and let's move on to the next."

"...Can't I rest more?"

"No. Your body is in full development right now. Endure it like a warrior until then."

Adelia blushed and acted innocently when teased, but she's strict when it comes to exercise. Although she was somewhat forced onto the path of a knight due to her family environment, her determination was genuine. So much so that even if I begged, she would just brush it off calmly and firmly.

Thanks to her, I've seen a dramatic increase in my stamina every week. While Luminous has bestowed some sacred power upon me, Adelia's support was the most significant. Originally, exercise tends to be doubly effective with someone's assistance. Especially Adelia, according to my father's words, prioritized efficiency and was someone full of vigor.

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