Chapter 241: Book 18 (2)

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Every day, I'm just waiting for the vacation to come, but life has a way of throwing unexpected things at us. The Academy, with its many guards, maintains excellent security due to the high number of people coming and going, resulting in very few incidents occurring.

Even if security-related issues were to arise, they are usually promptly resolved. I've never heard of any major incidents like terrorism happening at the Academy so far. But that's within the Academy; the situation outside is different. Especially in this world, where individual strength holds sway, it's inherently unstable in terms of security.

Hence, it means that anywhere, anytime, there might be some lunatics up to no good. And the devil worshipers fit that description perfectly. They have been a force lurking in the shadows of the underworld long before Xenon's Biography. If people suddenly go missing or 'undead' appear without any signs, it's mostly their doing.

They're nothing but vile beings worse than pests, nothing short of the epitome of evil in this world. Their biggest problem was that they were virtually unknown before Xenon's Biography, but now they've fully emerged.

In fact, it would be apt to say that due to Xenon's Biography, they've been forced into the limelight. Rumor has it that with Xavier declaring a holy war, the devil worshipers' heads are being smashed every ten seconds.

However, their scariest aspect is that they managed to go unnoticed even by Dark Elves and Demons.

If the dark elves and demons borrow the power of darkness through Mora, the devil worshipers were literally the slimy darkness itself. Some demons, deeply associated with the devil, had sensed omens from the past. This was speculated because among the devil worshippers, there seemed to exist a faction of radicals that was believed to have been annihilated in the distant past.

During the time when demons were persecuted, there were those who harbored not restraint but hatred towards the world, embracing the power of the devil themselves. Though defeated in the civil war that took place in Helium long ago, it is gradually being revealed that they are secretly in league with the devil worshippers.

It's been said that even in Helium, some clues were found after assigning the task to the 'Reaper' to track them down. The power and scale of the devil worshippers are far greater than anticipated.

With great power and scale comes great danger. Moreover, whenever any faction feels threatened, they tend to act out. While it's uncertain in what form this acting out will manifest, many resort to causing chaos.

The issue lies in the immense damage caused by this chaos. Particularly, those deeply associated with Xenon's Biography were in extreme danger.

[...Therefore, I send this letter urging caution. Please do not worry, and I hope to continue steady serialization.]

The owner of the letter I've read is Musk. He is precisely in such a situation. Musk is the CEO of the only company known to have contracted with Xenon's Biography and is one of the visible links to Xenon externally. Naturally, he could become a target for the devil worshippers. Although Arwen is also known to have a connection, she's currently too significant a figure to engage with, hence they aimed at Musk.

According to the contents of the letter, it seems that there was a surprise attack from devil worshippers, but it was handled appropriately and safely. The upcoming publication will be done in collaboration with the Luminous Church.

Collaborating with the Luminous Church for publication was surprising, but what concerns the writer most is undoubtedly the attack. The letter expresses that while the sender doesn't mind being attacked, they are particularly worried about the upcoming exhibition in the Michelle Territory.

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