Chapter 240: Book 18 (1)

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Due to Arwen's unexpected bombshell, I couldn't help but feel disoriented for a while. Her question about whether I came from a completely different world than the one we live in. I didn't inquire about the meaning behind that question, so as a 'reincarnator,' it's quite perplexing.

Whatever the intention, it is true that I come from a different world.

When the world noisily proclaimed me as a regressor or a prophet, I could easily refute that, but I couldn't help but momentarily falter at the notion of coming from another world.

That momentary hesitation gave Arwen a sense of certainty. Whatever misunderstanding she had, the events ahead were inevitably complicated. The issue isn't just with Arwen, though. At that time, not only Arwen but also Cecily were in the same room.

After Arwen dropped that bombshell, Cecily started questioning me for a while. Whether I really came from a different world as Arwen asked, and if that's why I ended up writing Xenon's Biography.

As you might know from my life so far, I'm terrible at lying. Even though I usually maintain a stoic expression, my complexion drastically changes when a specific point is touched upon.

Moreover, Cecily has a particularly keen sense of reading my feelings. If Marie intuitively detects my lies, Cecily, like Rina, has an incredibly sharp observational skill.

So, even if I lie, she mostly sees through it, and this time is no different. Eventually, Cecily completely started believing that I came from a different world.

As for whether my attitude changed afterward? No, far from changing, I was too preoccupied that day.

Since then, lying side by side in bed, she said that even if I came from a different world, it's a grace from the gods, or even if not, it doesn't change the fact that I'm a benefactor of the demons.

Instead, just one thing. she asked why I had taken her as a model of lust until now. Whether her future self really becomes a devil for a specific reason. But since it was closely related to the unfortunate past of lust, I refused it all. It felt like thrusting a sharp spoiler, so she just obediently accepted it.

Anyway, it's a bonus that my relationship with Cecily was subtly getting closer than before. I hope the day comes soon when I can officially declare my relationship with her without any disturbances.

It seems Cecily is beginning to think of me as a gift bestowed by the gods. If I indeed claim to be from another world, one can only think in that direction.

For now, I plan to quietly bury the part related to reincarnation. Cecily agreed with this plan and even promised to strictly monitor any slip-ups.

Some might wonder why I don't speak up, especially why keep it a secret from Marie. But considering my current situation, it might be understandable.

Already being teased as a regressor or a prophet in jest, what if I were called a reincarnator now? From this moment, I can't simply take the jokes as just jokes.

Cecily might regard it as a gift or grace bestowed by the divine to a mortal. Especially since it is obvious that this will significantly affect my relationship with Marie, the closest person to me as a human being.

Of course, due to Marie's slightly simple personality, there is a very high chance of her simply saying, 'Oh well,' and moving on. Over the year we've spent together, I've come to understand that she avoids complexities in human relationships to an extreme degree.

In the past, although it was an inevitable situation, after being deceived by Rina once, she just wanted to meet people simply. She tries to avoid entangling complicated stories like politics in these relationships as much as possible.

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