Chapter 230: Spoilers (2)

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Kate was making a name for herself in various ways within the Xavier's Church.

She is a priestess who has received grace from Luminous, yet she mercilessly wielded her authority as an inquisitor against those who oppose the meaning of Luminous.

One could say she was staunch in her faith, but at the same time, she was someone who could easily become an extremist.

Receiving grace, possessing a tremendous amount of sacred power, she ascended to the position of a cardinal before even turning 20, simultaneously assuming the role of a grand inquisitor.

While regular priests are strong in sacred power but weak in physical prowess, and knights are strong in physical prowess but weak in sacred power, Kate fulfills both criteria.

Truly one chosen by the divine, a woman deserving the title of 'saint,' revered by the clergy within Xavier.

Indeed, it's not just respect but 'awe.' They respect her while also fearing her.

Already displaying exceptional potential at a young age to become a cardinal, she also possessed formidable physical strength.

In other words, if she decided, she could expand her influence and swallow up Xavier's politics in a gulp. Considering the number of people following her, this was quite a plausible story.

Thankfully, she solely focused on Luminous and doesn't even consider her social standing. She only follows the will of Luminous.

Conversely, if she decides with a 'will,' no one can stop her from achieving it. Even if the target was the Pope.

If one were to become a fanatic, the most dangerous individual would be the one with a firmly secured 'leash' like a Luminous – merciful and gentle clergyman. That would be Kate Louise Angelica, a time bomb in a different sense from demons.

"His words?"

And back to the present. Signs indicated that the firmly tethered leash was gradually loosening.

Normally, mentioning Luminous should result in silence and for things to remain normal. But today, for reasons unknown, there was visible agitation.

Not only does Kate exude a suffocating aura, but her beautiful green eyes now held a hint of crimson. The rage in Kate, unseen until now, begins to swirl with a ferocious energy.

"··· ···"

Bark couldn't utter a single word due to the terror of feeling like his entire body would tear apart if he misspoke.

Dangerous. It's not just dangerous. It was an instinctual alarm sounding to the extent that his whole body was trembling.

Even a single additional word here might mean a lost life. The woman before him was in a state of madness.

A blend of madness and faith, a fanatic(??).

The most terrifying aspect of such fanaticism is its 'authenticity.' It follows and believes in it without an iota of doubt, steadfast in its convictions.

Not only Bark but other cardinals also felt the danger and hurried to stop her. Hera was the first.

"Cardinal Kate. Even if we don't know what you felt while on the pilgrimage, your current heart is very dangerous. Hurry and pray to Luminous..."

"I also share the same thoughts as Cardinal Hera. Currently, Cardinal Kate is very dangerous."

The country of Xavier has a terrible history in the distant past, harboring fanaticism in their hearts, slaughtering demons, and suppressing surrounding countries.

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