Food, No Water

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"We didn't need words, we just looked at each other and smiled."
— Unknown


Katniss was hysterical, laughing and crying at the fact that Peeta was breathing again. So much so that Peeta himself began to worry for her, asking if she was okay.

"It's okay," said Finnick from his place on the ground next to Cora. "It's just her hormones."

"From the baby," Cora added, reminding Katniss of her condition while tracing soothing circles on Finnick's back. The man was exhausted from the heat and the effort it took to bring Peeta back to life.

"No. It's not–" Katniss tried to protest but was cut off by another round of sobbing that only further proved Finnick and Cora's point. She glared at the two through her tears. Now, she owed Finnick a debt. He saved Peeta's life. How could she kill him now?

Cora watched as Finnick glanced quizzically between Katniss and Peeta, once again taking in the new information that they truly loved each other. It was surprising, to say the least.

"How are you?" Cora asked Peeta, relieved that Finnick managed to revive him. She really did like the boy, she would've been upset to lose him so soon.

"Do you think you can move on?" Finnick clarified the meaning of Cora's question. If not, they would have to set up camp where they were. It was best to get that done before dark.

"No, he has to rest," Katniss said. Her nose was running like crazy from all the crying.

Cora got up and found some moss that might work well as a handkerchief and passed it to Katniss. The girl was too much of a mess to question it and took it gratefully.

Katniss noticed a gold disk hanging from Peeta's neck and grabbed it. It was a necklace with a mockingjay engraved on it. "Is this your token?" she asked.

"Yes. Do you mind that I used your mockingjay? I wanted us to match."

"No, of course I don't mind."

Cora found it sweet and clever, as well as mildly concerning. The meaning of the mockingjay was no secret to Snow or the districts. So, while the rebels would likely get a nice boost from it, Snow would also try harder to get rid of Peeta for the same reason. It would be harder to keep Peeta alive with a target like that on his back.

"So you want to make camp here, then?" Finnick asked.

"I don't think that's an option," Peeta answered. "Staying here. With no water. No protection. I feel all right, really. If we could just go slowly."

"Slowly would be better than not at all," Cora smiled, helping Peeta to his feet while Katniss pulled herself together.

The teenage girl checked her weapons before announcing, "I'll take the lead."

Peeta began to object, but Cora cut him off. "Let her, you need to rest."

Finnick frowned at Katniss and Cora wondered what he could be thinking. Luckily, she didn't have to wonder for long. "You knew that force field was there, didn't you? Right at the last second? You started to give a warning."

Katniss nodded.

Cora had completely forgotten about that in all of the chaos. She was glad Finnick had remembered, she had found it strange. How could Katniss have known?

"How did you know?" Finnick voiced Cora's thoughts.

Katniss hesitated before answering. "I don't know. It's almost as if I could hear it. Listen."

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