The Games Cont.

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"You have survived every single thing you thought you wouldn't."
– Unknown


Coral Newport woke up slowly. And then she remembered the events of the previous day. She would never get to hug him again. Never roll her eyes at his antics or scream and chase him when he threw sand in her hair.

Reef Newport was gone and she didn't believe it. So he couldn't be gone. Not if she didn't believe it. But, then, why was there a hole in her heart?

"How's your head?" Mauve asked, gentle and cautious.

"A little sore."

"We couldn't've just stayed there. You know that."

"I do. Thank you."

The conversation was tense and awkward. Both girls were hurting, but Coral had lost her other half. Mauve just lost a guy that she liked.

"What do you do, when you don't know what to do anymore?" Coral asked Mauve, staring at the ground.

The blonde thought for a minute before responding slowly.

"Try to go about business as usual."

"How do I do that?"

"Is there anything you've been doing a lot lately? A habit you had before the games?"

Cora thought for a bit, trying to think of anything other than Reef.

"I would sing. Almost every day for a girl back in 4. She's not a Newport, but she's like my sister. I would sing. And braid her hair."

Mauve moved to sit in front of Cora. "So, do that."


Cora took Mauve's blonde hair in her hands and began to sing. It was a song that Evangeline would sing to her when she was sad. It helped her grieve when she was younger, and when Harp and Evangeline died. So maybe it would help now.

"My soul, I am broken by you.
One morning, I'll wake up renewed."

Cora wakes up, it's a chaotic morning.

"Don't go love.
I need you to stay."

Immediately, she throws her covers off and rushes down the halls.

"My soul, I am broken today."

Ocean is fuming and covered in flour.

"And I will work out what it meant.
And I will mend you in the end."

Reef is doubled over, laughing.

"'Cause I'll do anything to love you.
Love you..."

An empty flour bag is resting at the green-eyed boy's feet.

"I'll do anything to love you.
Love you..."

Sean walks up to Ocean and tries to dust the flour off of him.

"It may not be easy to see.
But I'm ready,
I need to believe."

Sean has only smeared the flour, making it worse.

"And I will work out what it meant.
And I will mend you in the end."

Reef stops laughing and picks some flour up off of the floor.

"'Cause I'll do anything to love you.
Love you..."

He throws the flour right in Cora's face and resumes his laughter.

"I'll do anything to love you.
Love you..."

Blue takes some flour from the floor, looking rather confused.

"You, you"

He throws the flour right in Reef's face.

"You, you"

Reef picks Blue up and spins him around.

"You, you"

Blue and Reef are laughing, and spinning, and covered in flour.

"You, you"

The five of them start playing around, making a bigger mess.

You, you..."


Three cannons sounded. The sky outside began to get dark unnaturally fast. The Finale.

Cora heard a beeping from just outside the house. Mauve opened the door and quickly brought the parachute inside.

Inside of the parachute was a seashell with a note that just said "Ocean. Sean. Blue. Lyra. Come home. – F."

Finnick was reminding her that she still had family. She still had a reason to come home. But then she looked at Mauve and her freshly braided hair. She wouldn't kill her, if it came down to it.

And that's when she realized. Three cannons sounded. All at once. Who would they be facing?

Mauve seemed to have come to the same realization, judging by the horrified look on her face.

The girls, knowing much worse would happen if they waited inside, left the house, weapons in hand. And, as soon as they did, they saw the girl from District 6.

She was dripping with blood and held a scythe in her hand. There was a maniacal glint in her eyes that made Coral's blood run cold.

Suddenly, a ring of fire surrounded the three girls.

The District 6 girl lunged forward and, before anyone could blink, Mauve Riles's head fell to the ground, no longer attached to her body.

Cora screamed and threw knife after knife at the girl who murdered her friend. She did not stop. Not when the girl fell to the ground. Not when the girl's body was so bashed and bloodied that there was no possibility that she could be alive. Not when the cannon sounded. Not until every knife had been thrown.

And then, Coral Newport collapsed to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the winner of the 66th Annual Hunger Games. Coral Newport!"

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